Example sentences of "that it might [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 The picture was of such clarity that it might even have been a photograph .
2 We see here a move away from the view that deviance is simply what people so label , to the notion that it might also have something to do with the acts that ‘ deviants ’ engage in .
3 So persistent was the language that it had become no more remarkable than just another wayward manner of speaking and their sons paid so little attention to it that it might well have been one of the many private languages of love .
4 Through the arch too , I see the dark water of a deep wide moat ; so dark , indeed , is the water that it might well have remained unstirred since the days of the ‘ brave Lord Willoughby' ’ . '
5 There was evidence of rivets in it and an X-ray revealed traces of a metal covering , which confirmed to experts that it might well have come from the gable end of just such a shrine , and that it could well have been the piece described by the father of Welsh historical research .
6 Tocqueville 's Democracy in America is , as has been noted , essentially a study of American society , and one commentator has even suggested that it might better have been called Equality in America .
7 Then his good mood evaporated so entirely that it might never have been .
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