Example sentences of "that it [modal v] [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 In the light of that , will he reconsider the abolition of vacation hardship allowance , especially as it was abolished in clear breach of undertakings given in the House that it would remain as a safety net following the abolition of social security provision ?
2 However , he reversed an earlier decision ( announced on Feb. 23 ) to dissolve the PDG , declaring that it would continue as an element of the RSDG grouping .
3 This report highlights the main issues which will affect this committee in the period during nineteen ninety three and nineteen ninety six , section one repeats the desire of the committee that it would like as a minimum to sustain the whole of the revenue service and the similar volume of capital payments in the period of the medium term plan as is being divided in this year .
4 However , the government has now bowed to pressure and announced that it would act as ‘ insurer of last resort ’ for terrorist bomb damage on the British mainland .
5 They argued that it would act as a mirror " to reflect the desires , opinions and hardships of the Thai society " so as to promote unity , ensure that the population 's grievances were heard , and prevent future crises from undermining the country and its institutions .
6 At the start of his first visit — to Thailand on Sept. 26-30 — the Emperor told King Bhumibol Adulyadej that Japan had " resolved that it would live as a nation of peace , so that it should never repeat the horrors of that most unfortunate war " , and that Japan had made " unremitting efforts " to build " new friendships " in the region .
7 Once he even made me hand over all the money beforehand , so that it would look as if he was paying for everyone himself .
8 It was the weakness of humanity that it should disguise as strength — as sense and discretion and neighbourly feeling — an inability to recognise the more deplorable aspects of behaviour .
9 Mr Brandt , who was mayor of West Berlin 28 years ago when East Berlin put up the Wall and who stood next to Mr Kennedy during his famous speech , said the barbed wire and wall were ‘ against the flow of history ’ , but added that it should remain as an ‘ an historical monstrosity ’ .
10 Founded by William of Waynflete in 1484 it was intended that it should act as a feeder to Magdalen College itself , which he also founded .
11 For example , a clause that states that the firm may act as principal or agent may be interpreted as defining the firm 's duties , excluding liability for breach of duty in the event that it should act as principal , or disclosing that it sometimes acts as principal .
12 It is precisely because it is thought to be binding that it can serve as an expression of identification .
13 Given these observations upon the complexity of criminal law as a social and moral phenomenon it follows that it can exist as an ‘ introductory ’ subject only through its radical distortion , simplification , amputation and eclecticism .
14 The slapping block can also knock the incoming punch sideways , but the blocking hand must be retrieved as quickly as possible so that it can act as a guard .
15 The ease with which this theft was carried out and the incompetent way in which it was investigated makes one wonder if America is not secretly pleased that Israel has become a nuclear power in the Middle East so that it can act as tripwire in any conflict .
16 I have discovered a completeness of my mind and body so that it can work as a whole entity , instead of as a jumble of separate limbs , head and torso all working independently of one another .
17 The young academic coolly eyed the embattled farmer and , commenting upon the destruction wrought upon the fen , looked forward to its return to wilderness after the war , so that it could act as a buffer for the nature reserve of Wicken Fen against the farmed land :
18 Howard would surely not have objected to either , although the idea of a department of corrections would have been very strange to him and the idea that it could act as a system to feed and clothe itself would presumably have seemed a desirable but unreal and irrelevant objective .
19 According to Dr D.W.F. James , the then Director of the Polytechnic of Wales , the government 's decision was a reflection of its desire not to rock the boat and was connected with arguments about the Welsh language , arguments which had already saved Bangor Normal College from merging with the University College of North Wales so that it could develop as a Welsh medium teacher-training college .
20 Prudential Corporation slipped 3.5p to 195.5p on worries that it could emerge as Pearl 's white knight .
21 President Bush also came away from his talks with Mr Gorbachev in Malta convinced that the Soviet leader recognised that German reunification may turn out to be unavoidable , but that it must come as part of a wider European endeavour to end the post-war division of Europe .
22 President Bush also came away from his talks with Mr Gorbachev in Malta convinced that the Soviet leader recognised that German reunification may turn out to be unavoidable , but that it must come as part of a wider European endeavour to end the post-war division of Europe .
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