Example sentences of "that it be time [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 BOOZE AND THE BALANCE SHEET Excessive drinking costs companies dear , and many have realised that it 's time to do something about it
2 Then , just as you are seduced into believing all is Cocteau-calm , the tempo jumps up a gear , the guitars rev into psychedelia and pure white noise signals that it 's time to go and get dressed .
3 Then I took a year off , and she kept going on and on at me that it 's time to go back to college , so I did in the end .
4 It warns you that it 's time to reach for the stop button .
5 Through using eye contact and body language to indicate that it 's time to move on .
6 I 'm going to nip over and try to persuade our production team that it 's time to move over to PCs .
7 Nor that it 's time to curb my virile hunger .
8 Going to Nice and St Tropez showed me that it 's time to leave all this rustic charm and get back to what I know . ’
9 Nothing cures insomnia like the realization that it 's time to get up .
10 It may be that it 's time to look again , even though this new rule has been enforced for only these elections , at this particular method of positive discrimination .
11 The analogy is with instinctive mystery — an arcane communing which erupts suddenly at a mutually understood signal , like an entire species of bird becoming aware that it is time to mate .
12 Indeed , such talk probably means that it is time to sell .
13 Women may feed their husbands or lovers with energy and then , after a while , change tack , deciding that it is time to draw the tide of emotional response towards themselves .
14 Given the detail of the account recorded here , we can safely say that it is time to move on , to pursue other routes for harnessing fusion .
15 Mannheim 's message is that it is time to move from a Newtonian to an Einsteinian social universe .
16 Midgley argues that it is time to move on from this position .
17 The Prince calls for everyone to realise that it is time to take adequate stock of such landscapes , our collective effect upon it and our responsibilities towards it .
18 Does my hon. Friend consider that it is time to take a fresh look at the whole question ?
19 In the latter case the effect upon strategy may be to signal that it is time to divest rather than invest .
20 Does not the Minister think that it is time to ensure that that Bill is put on the statute book to safeguard what Churchill once described as the greatest of British institutions ?
21 Taking a simple example , you might suddenly have an intimation that it is time to change direction and find a new job .
22 British Rail management has said that it is time to start thinking about the passengers — ‘ customer-orientation ’ — but does not seem to have any other ideas for improvement .
23 The next time you need to backup the directory you copy it into \WORK\WORK\WORK and so on until you feel that it is time to start the backup off from the start again .
24 Schon argues that it is time to recognize that scientific as well as poetic language is riddled with metaphor , that there is no clear line between literal and metaphorical , and that a perfect system of mutually definable terms is not even conceivable outside logic and mathematics .
25 Mr Loyden had asked the Premier to ‘ acknowledge the fact that it is time to repay the debt that we owe to the Merchant Navy , which lost 30,000-plus seamen during the war years ’ .
26 Nevertheless , there was general agreement on all sides that Sandys had overstepped the line between sensible and imprudent change , and that it was time to shift the emphasis away from the nuclear end of the spectrum of War and back to a more balanced , central position .
27 But I knew that it was time to leave , and we said goodbye to them on New Year 's Eve .
28 He , like the Prince 's detective John McLean and several other staff who served the Prince during his bachelorhood , knew that it was time to leave once he was safely married .
29 All those things that had once appealed to every instinct inside her for excitement failed to arouse anything but a nagging desire to look at her watch and wonder what time she could reasonably convince André that it was time to leave .
30 Despite the fact that she had been deeply touched by the open friendliness of the Greek couple , it came almost as a relief when finally Niall signalled that it was time to leave .
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