Example sentences of "that should be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Questions , however , might arise about whether a dispute is a valuation/technical dispute to be referred to an expert or one that should be referred to an arbitral tribunal or the court .
2 The category of trade customer allows a firm to treat a company or partnership which is otherwise a small business investor as an ordinary business investor in relation to any particular transaction if : ( 1 ) It has a main business which is not investment business ; ( 2 ) It enters into the transaction as an integral part of its main business ; this term will need to be clarified by SFA in due course ; ( 3 ) The firm reasonably believes that the customer has sufficient experience and understanding to waive the private customer protections and can produce evidence of that ; ( 4 ) The firm has given the customer a clear written warning of the main private customer protections that he will lose ; the key ones are listed by SFA ( and include , for example , derivatives risk warnings and suitability of advice ) but if the firm intends to ask the customer to waive best execution that should be referred to as well ; ( 5 ) The firm notifies the customer in the warning that he can ask to be treated as a private customer ; and ( 6 ) The customer has not informed the firm that he wants to be treated as a private customer , either generally or in relation to the particular transaction .
3 Prior to the appointment there are a number of issues that should be raised with the client .
4 Many retailers also use ACORN to evaluate the product ranges that should be stocked at different stores .
5 Is it something that should be taught at home ?
6 The following details an outline of the points that should be covered in the report :
7 Again , this is something that should be covered in any agreement or declaration of trust .
8 There 's one further search that should be made on a purchase or mortgage of unregistered land : if the seller or mortgagor is a limited company , which acquired the land before 1 January 1970 , search the Companies Register to ascertain whether any puisne mortgage ( ie a mortgage not protected by the deposit with the lender of the title deeds , such as a second mortgage ) is noted in its register of charges .
9 They conclude : ‘ On the basis of our review , we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the interim financial information as presented , and in our opinion it has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with those adopted by the group in its statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 1991 . ’
10 Another qualification that should be made to the picture of a rising trend in women 's paid work is that , as can been seen in figure 10.1 , participation in full-time employment has not risen .
11 One qualification that should be made to the general formula that Lord Goddard laid down in Hinchcliffe v. Sheldon is that it appears to make a person guilty of obstructing by omission , and the view may be expressed that this is not the law .
12 The note gives guidance on the enquiries that should be made about the investment business control environment , including the business 's higher level procedures for complying with the conduct of business rules .
13 The authority made an assessment , but did not consider that the boy 's needs were such that it should determine in a statement the special educational provision that should be made for him .
14 The Court , in upholding the LEA 's right not to determine the special educational provision that should be made for the child , drew an important distinction .
15 They distinguished between a child who has special educational needs , and a child who has special educational needs which are such that the LEA may be of the opinion that they should determine the special educational provision that should be made for him — in the words of Nicholls LJ , ‘ not special needs simpliciter , but special needs that satisfy a further condition ’ .
16 Part of the parents ' case had rested on the following argument : within the school which the child attended a decision had been taken to include her in a remedial class ; thus , the special educational provision that should be made for her had already been determined ; so a statement ( under section 7(1) of the Act ) should follow .
17 if the [ LEA ] does not itself decide the special educational provision that should be made for the child , but leaves that to be decided by the school , with remedial classes and other facilities as may be available in the school , the [ LEA ] is not itself determining the special educational provision for the child within the meaning in section 7(1) ; consequently , the [ LEA ] is not obliged to make and maintain a statement … .
18 The verbatim records have survived almost intact and enable the sequence of offers and counteroffers that should be made by bargainers behaving optimally according to the rules .
19 It is a decision that should be made in the light of medical advice and counselling .
20 ICL Plc has applied to register a subsidiary in Slovenia , a formality that should be completed in the next few weeks , and despite renewed conflict in Croatia , the company says it is still ‘ business as usual ’ .
21 The question of the level of resources that should be invested in Scotland 's underwater heritage has come into focus with the rediscovery of an historic shipwreck off Duart Point in Mull .
22 Tommy Gorman , the acting convener at Leyland Daf 's Albion plant in Glasgow , where 67 of the 550 workforce were made redundant last Friday , said : ‘ It is not the Dutch and Belgian Governments that should be looking after jobs in Glasgow — it is the British Government that should be doing something . ’
23 It also identifies the management procedures that should be followed to correctly complete the project in line with office requirements .
24 This seems to indicate that , despite his reference to sex as a fine and noble thing , he still regards it with a certain amount of misgiving , and as something that should be kept under strict control .
25 Finally , he looks at the availability of the basic data which are accessible to researchers in child care ; to the kind of housekeeping information that should be kept by organizations and which if it is , makes it unnecessary for researchers to start from scratch every time .
26 These schemes are regarded as models that should be extended to those whose disability is congenital or arises out of non-industrial disease or accident , for whom cover , though recently improved , is still only partial .
27 This is a prize that should be treated with contempt , for , like most Japanese gifts to museums and other ‘ cultural ’ interventions , it is no more than camouflage for their commercial and industrial rapacity , and at its worst is an anaesthetic that renders the recipient quite helpless to protest .
28 Warlike Shakespearean speeches have no place in the rugby locker room and the xenophobic message within is not one that should be transmitted to players and spectators alike !
29 Such topics as sport 's role in the national lottery , the ban on tobacco advertising , the new horse racing authority and the inability to produce British tennis players are issues that should be debated in a sensible forum .
30 Erm the next erm feature is the yellow one for the Liberal Democrats , there 's one Liberal Democrat typographical error and that 's on the second page page four of the resolutions and you 'll see that in the second column there 's a total three , three , three five , that should be amended to , sorry three , three , three five that should be amended to three , one , five , five and then where it says nine the resource budget immediately below that nine , four , five , ninety four five O , it 's three hundred and sixty thousand , three hundred and sixty million , six hundred thousand , that stays the same .
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