Example sentences of "that could [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The failure of Soviet nationalities policy , however , was more than a personal failure ; it also reflected the failure , over more than seventy years , to devise an official theory that could adequately account for ethnic and national differences , and perhaps a still deeper weakness in a doctrine that insisted working men ‘ had no country ’ .
2 At this stage in the study , there were still many questions unanswered about detailed aspects of the new legislation , and it was also necessary to find out more about College activities and functions , particularly those that could eventually contribute to the exercise of balancing costs with income .
3 ‘ The plan is to use that money as a launching pad for further funds that could eventually result in major building work , ’ he said .
4 Our course makes no serious attempt to cover all areas that could reasonably come under the electronic publishing umbrella — database publishing , network information services , and ( perhaps more seriously ) CD-ROM publishing techniques are only given passing mentions .
5 Clarify , however , is positioning itself against the others as the most ‘ haute couture ’ of the breed , the kind of house that could easily mushroom into a $100m enterprise in just a few years .
6 Tomato deal in the riper side of UK House , of which the more familiar name of Pascal 's Bongo Massive will be the stormtrooper with most , and this release is really worth it for the AA facet , where ‘ Carried Away ’ is a slow shuffling number that could equally serve as more of a chilled refreshment .
7 Now the Board of Practice and Procedure has a budget and w which we have already negotiated , and we 're hoping to be able to hold our presbytery clerks conference but there is nothing in the budget that could possibly cope with these additional conferences and these would therefore be new and additional expenditure , and this motion can not therefore be treated as competent .
8 This technique may have some application where there is a manifest disproportion between the scale of expenditure and any benefit that could possibly result to the business .
9 If the hotel accepts too many block bookings that could possibly result in the loss of other reservations from clients who may return to the hotel on regular basis .
10 On the first day of the Ajdabiyan ballot many young men went to some length to insist that what was about to occur was closer to Athenian practice than anything that could possibly occur in Britain ; their disappointment at the outcome of the day was movingly transparent .
11 Perhaps , when she 'd grown stronger , she could slip away into the night and keep on 166 walking … after all , what was the worst that could possibly happen to her ?
12 Would not the worst thing that could possibly happen for any of our constituents or patients be for the Labour party to come to power and abolish competitive tendering ?
13 Shakespeare evidently shared Donne 's dissatisfaction with the extant convention , agreed with him that unfulfilled love was a trope that could only lead to a limited number of stereotyped situations .
14 His hands tightened when she tried to step back , and Claudia , refusing a struggle that could only lead to one thing , stood very still .
15 It i my Lord Mayor , it is indeed colossal cheek and pure hypocrisy on the part of the Tory Group , and particularly on the part of Councillor , to be putting forward the resolution congratulating schools on their success in responding to the introduction of Local Management , when they and the Government , between them impose such conditions that could only lead to chaos and disorder .
16 Its concern with adolescent love , and the way in which its idealism and purity can not evade the sullying effects of adult realities , paralleled Minton 's own fear of lost youth , his obsession with adolescence and desire for a love that could only exist in a state untrammelled by adult responsibilities .
17 After that they had decided to get across the other side and ‘ maybe give the girls a fright ’ , an entirely mad idea that could only end in tears , and all the better for it .
18 Carol had written it specially for Nicholson ; he could read some of the special nuances that would mean something to him and no one else , nuances that could only come from a friendship and working relationship spanning fifteen years .
19 At Ashburnham , Brown created a late eighteenth-century sense of ‘ wilderness ’ that could only come from the utmost ingenuity ; sudden ‘ surprise ’ views of the house replaced the structured avenues and rigid vistas of earlier occupants .
20 Chainsaw guitars , bonecrusher drums , some bloke yammering on about serial killers … a sound that could only come from one place .
21 ‘ It is the most awful thing that could ever happen to me .
22 The problem that could therefore arise for surveyors choosing incorporation is how to safeguard themselves against changes in ownership and control .
23 I would hope , obviously , that I wrote poems that could sometimes speak to the reader 's condition , and it would be too grandiose to say helped him to sort out his own feelings , but at least helped him to get a feeling of recognition and , if the poem is successful , you know , some kind of satisfaction that the feeling has been turned into that permanent form .
24 An arm along the back of the sofa that could lightly rest upon her shoulders , a casual pressure of his thigh against hers .
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