Example sentences of "that she could [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She was shaking so much that she could barely speak .
2 Her brain was teeming with a whole tangle of emotions that she could barely sort out .
3 Theda was so appalled that she could barely repress a shudder , never mind summon up a smile .
4 He grasped her long hair , so that strands of silk fell through his fingers , and tugged her head back gently , kissing her on her neck , muttering things that she could barely hear , far less understand .
5 Lisa drove home just over an hour later in a state of such fury that she could barely focus .
6 Antoine faltered , sagging against her so that she could barely sustain his weight .
7 Anger and fear had her throat in such a tight constriction that she could barely breathe .
8 Then , as her quick intake of breath parted her lips , in one smooth , sweeping movement he wrapped his arms around her , holding her so close , so tight , that she could barely breathe .
9 She was crushed so tight against him that she could barely breathe , and as his own mouth moved to her ear , his tongue flicking erotically to trace the whorls , she moved her hands to his belt .
10 Robyn was trembling so hard that she could barely breathe .
11 As she stared at him , she knew it had come , the moment of physical and emotional confrontation she had held off for so long , and she felt so vulnerable that she could barely breathe .
12 Folly realised virtuously that she could even feel sorry for her ‘ rival ’ .
13 Slowly she imagined taking one step after another until she reported that she could physically go no further because the slope of the ceiling was so steep .
14 Or , on second thoughts , knowing that she could probably hear their conversation , was he sending her the message to disregard any idea that his kisses might have had meaning behind them ?
15 Why was it the gorgeous ones passed through so fleetingly while others , like that paunchy , moist-palmed Vic Tatum from Marine Claims always managed to delay in her office , ogling , leering and making suggestive remarks that she could probably take to a Sexual Harassment Tribunal if she had a mind to !
16 She accepted the first price offered by the first jeweller , not realizing that she could probably have raised fifty per cent more money by bargaining or trying other shops .
17 Josie 's job was to suggest the changes with the most minimal effects , but the truth of the matter was that she could probably have slapped on the makeup with a billposter 's brush and the trash would be equally fooled .
18 There was little enough in her life that she could honestly say was exciting , but that morning she was a little nervous , and , yes , a little excited .
19 His hands strayed down to a spot just below the first frill on her skirt and he pushed his hips against hers so that she could clearly feel the bulge between his legs .
20 Close by , in peaceful PAPPLEWICK village , Robin Hood halted the marriage of one Ellen to an ageing knight so that she could instead marry the lovelorn Alan-a-Dale .
21 So strange , she sometimes thought , to have all this engineering knowledge in three languages and still be so unable to apply a single word of it that she could scarcely change a plug without helpful diagrams .
22 So quickly that she could scarcely credit it , they emerged into a well-lit square where several open-air cafés were still busy .
23 Lisa 's heart felt like a huge fist clenched in her chest , so tight , so hard , that she could scarcely breathe .
24 ‘ Not usually , ’ she said through pursed lips , wishing that she could somehow refute his image of her , ‘ and please , spare me another amateur lecture on my psyche .
25 Sherman agreed , on condition that she could also use the clothes in her personal work .
26 ‘ Well , I told them that , ’ Francis Morgan said irritably and his wife and daughter caught each other 's eye in silent agreement that he had n't told them that Angela was refusing point-black to be married from home and was insisting on the full London set-out , reception at the House of Commons , replying unanswerably when he had objected on grounds of expense that she could well afford to pay for it herself .
27 Sometimes , when she looked at her like that , it seemed to Emmie that she could easily forget what Gran was like when she was well — how she had looked , sitting in the kitchen all last winter , rocking in her old chair and telling them stories and teaching Oliver games to play with her darning eggs .
28 At least I did not recognize her ; but then she was such a shrinking , washed-out-creature — when later I had lunch with one of Eliot 's former doctors he described her as ‘ an ugly little thing ’ , which was rather unkind and hardly accurate — that she could easily have escaped notice .
29 In the final condition , the mother was hidden behind a metal screen so that she could neither see nor be seen by the pair in the observation room .
30 Blindly she moved forward , panic crashing now through every barrier she had managed , through her twenty precarious years , to erect against it , flooding her whole mind , sweeping away her sense of reason and reality , so that she could already feel the coarse fustian of prison clothing and workhouse clothing against her body as she ran , could feel her skin crawl from every one of prison 's basic indignities , her stomach heave with revulsion .
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