Example sentences of "that she had never be " in BNC.

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1 Their other sister , Jane , had married Robert Fellowes , a member of the Queen 's permanent staff , the year before ; and , given the rest of the Spencer family 's connections with the Royal family , the surprise was that she had never been invited before .
2 It did not strike her , for she was a modest and , on the whole , an outward-looking woman , that she had never been anything but kind to Alida Thorne .
3 This was challenged by one of the defendants who maintained that she had never been on stage in a state of total nudity , as the police present maintained .
4 Riding one of Jennie 's fabulous dressage schoolmasters , Katharine was able to experience a whole host of dressage movements from flying changes to pirouettes that she had never been able to try before .
5 Was it true , what Maria said , that she had never been fair to Hester ?
6 Derek was confident that she had never been involved in anything subversive in her life or , for that matter , anything which was not completely dignified and fully reputable .
7 It had all gone on Papa 's account , as Paul had brought the fact to her notice that she had never been paid a penny for all her years of work .
8 She knew that she had never been an intellectual , but she thought that she had probably once been capable of insight .
9 The fact that Lili seemed to take an interest in me led me to think that she had never been very close to my mother .
10 It seemed to her that she had never been taken seriously before .
11 He stared right into her eyes , and she thought that she had never been so enraged in all her life .
12 To tell Luke the truth , somehow force him to accept that she had never been involved with Florian in the way he imagined , might just possibly put an end to his — his persecution of her .
13 Wellington 's riposte was that she had never been to South Africa , while he had and was therefore in a position to judge properly .
14 Many of the protesters , together with much of the black press , attempted to publicise the jogger 's name and to vilify her character , claiming variously that she had never been attacked , that she had been raped by her white boyfriend , or that she had gone to the park in search of sexual adventure .
15 Everything made sense now — his obsessional hatred of the drugs world , his grim determination to fight the dealers , his refusal to accept her repeated protests that she had never been involved .
16 Fabia queried in surprise , certain that she had never been so rude .
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