Example sentences of "that she [vb -s] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 After a few days , her hunger becomes so great that she goes away to feed , leaving her young in the charge of others .
2 In a letter dated 19 November , the Lord Advocate said that in Scotland ’ Civil actions are raised in the Court of Session or Sheriff Court Mrs. would have to establish first of all that she does indeed have a right to raise an action arising from the unfortunate incident of which she has complained .
3 When she then kills the prey , it is impossible to prove that she does so to demonstrate the act of killing , because she would have killed it in any case , in order to eat it .
4 Inside just 4 years she 's made an impact that she finds hard to believe .
5 Here the value of privacy may act against the interests of family members ; neighbours may consider that it is not their business to interfere and the beaten wife-at least before the growth of women 's self-help centres — may find that she has nowhere to go ( Pizzey , 1974 ) .
6 ‘ But it is possible that she has just decided to leave the area . ’
7 Is my hon. Friend aware that she has just scored a marvellous bull 's eye ?
8 That her novels are not better known is due largely to her extreme modesty about her literary abilities ; but there is no doubt that her concise , deceptively light prose style , reliance on dialogue to carry the plot , and delight in satirical exaggeration influenced both Firbank and Evelyn Waugh [ q.v. ] , and that she has thus left her mark on the development of the twentieth-century novel .
9 ‘ The conference is waiting to discover what it is she intends to do , now that she has finally arrived in Brighton . ’
10 MRS Thatcher 's friends tell me that she has finally come around to the idea of going to the Lords after the election .
11 Later , after returning home , in bed with his wife , the merchant taxes her about not having told him the monk had given her the money ; she claims that she thought the money the monk gave her was gift , and that she has already used it to buy clothing ; she will pay , she says , her debts to her husband in bed .
12 In fact the 45-year-old lawyer , a fiercely independent career woman in her own right , has been so determined to secure victory for Clinton and an influential role for herself that she has almost re-invented herself in the process .
13 Fashion Editor Caroline Baker was delighted to hear that she has always liked ethnic clothes .
14 If we are to take this speech as accurate reportage within the conventions of deathbed narratives , is there not something a little remarkable in Leapor 's assuring her friend and patron that she has always loved her father , though never so much as now , when she is dying ?
15 The press took it as read that Kylie was indeed an anorexic — again something that she has always denied .
16 Possibly , we may know more still about her : that she has always voted Labour , believes in capital punishment , and thinks multinational firms are manipulating the world ; likes reading romances , does the pools regularly , and watches Coronation Street every week … .
17 He insists that she has always had plenty .
18 She reveals that she has always carried a photograph of Levy in her handbag and still does so today .
19 Although it may be distressing to the mother to find that she has now to take the child back , nevertheless there is no escape in my judgment from the conclusion that the child 's return should be ordered in this case .
20 The fact that she has fought back to the level that she has now attained is a tribute to the loving care , encouragement and inspiration given her by her parents .
21 And shrewd businesswoman that she has quickly become , she is milking the phenomenon for all it is worth .
22 This woman may be technically a virgin in that she has never experienced intercourse , either with the father of this infant or anyone else .
23 It has meant that she has only had two training sessions in the last month , which is scarcely the preparation necessary to face her hardest opponent in the world .
24 It may be that Britain has overemphasised the potential benefits of free trade ; that she has actually benefited from the protectionist philosophy which permeates the EEC ; that being a member of a cohesive new power bloc is what has counted ; that the ‘ fight ’ with the Americans over agricultural matters is a case in point ; that had she been on her own , Britain would have been trampled over by her cousins on the other side of the Atlantic .
25 So it was interesting to hear this week from Mrs Bolton of Wildlife In Need in the north of our country that she has recently saved the life of a six-month old roe doe fawn .
26 Diana is said to have been deeply distressed by reports that she has recently suffered another outbreak of bulimia nervosa , the binge-eating disease .
27 Would Mrs agree that the resources argument that she 's just used is completely fallacious and would she not accept er that it 's better to spend fifty thousand pounds
28 she feels that the whole thing needs rationalizing and that she 's just come , co come to the pi the point where she can rationalize everything for once in her life .
29 And er the fact that she 's obviously gone on without it was awful , when she was pregnant the second time round she did n't make a big thing of being pregnant but you could tell she was pregnant but I never quite liked to say to her just in case they had the amnio amnio whatever it is and decided not to go
30 Though not wishing to detract from Campling 's writing , I wish to point out that many of the reactions , feelings , and transferences that she mentions also apply to those who were not sexually abused but ‘ only ’ emotionally abused .
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