Example sentences of "that she [verb] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Not that she felt up to arguing , she was forced to admit .
2 It was on the rebound from Higginbotham that she took up with the first boy that she came near to liking .
3 It is a low repetitive moan that she keeps up for the rest of the afternoon .
4 He let it go at that , smiling to himself as he suggested to Iris Sunderby that she go up to her room and put her things together .
5 He had such a nice voice that she looked up with a smile , expecting to see a nice , kind face to match .
6 It was something of a standing joke that she lived up to her Libran indecisiveness .
7 ‘ Debbie was born there and we still have a place there , but not the same one that she grew up in .
8 They touch down , and he pushes off again , taking her arm so that she glides up with him in spite of herself .
9 In Sargent [ 1990 ] The Guardian , 3 July , Boreham J at Leeds Crown Court is reported as saying : " You were so negligent as to be reckless as to this woman 's welfare " , by pumping so much oxygen into her during an operation that she swelled up like a Michelin man .
10 The full impact of it seemed to come from the roof , and was so strong that she jerked up in bed .
11 Her knowledge of Samoa was based upon what a group of adolescent girls thr told her , through an interpreter , and what can only be called , er , chit-chat and gossip that she picked up from missionaries ' wives and people like this .
12 You say you met my daughter on the train to Boston , that she was running away from home , that she ended up on your doorstep when her brother refused to house her ? ’
13 Mrs J. was a dominant person , so much so that she ended up in hospital suffering from malnutrition , as she had refused to eat .
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