Example sentences of "that this be a [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The Muslim religion dictates that this is a particularly bloody affair , but the special skills of these tradesmen have , in a very short period , led to mutual respect and friendship , despite a total language barrier .
2 However it should be borne in mind that this is a particularly volatile sector of the market and April 's figure was the peak monthly performer since last August .
3 The above discussion may give the impression that this is a predominantly quantitative study .
4 Does he further accept that the failure of the common agricultural policy , coupled with doubts about the realisation of the level playing field for goods and services by the end of next year , mean that this is a singularly inappropriate time to extend the competence of the European Community ?
5 It is interesting to note ( cf point 5 p. 109 above ) that this is a seemingly negative phrase which is actually affirming something positive .
6 AND may I just say how very much I hope , trust and , indeed , cuddle , that this is a splendidly fluffy , golden and slender-thighed morning for you , as it is , in a very real sense , for me too .
7 This is a most un-1990s ' move — but the spice to the deal is that this is a largely recession-proof business .
8 HP 's Guidon , however , maintains that this is a completely separate issue from the one posed by OSF/1 and much further down the road .
9 For we are taught both by the words of worthy men of old and by our experience that this is a most certain sign , and it has been found that even if she be urged and exhorted by solemn conjurations to shed tears , if she be a witch she will not be able to weep : although she will assume a tearful aspect and smear her cheeks and eyes with spittle to make it appear that she is weeping ; wherefore she must be closely watched by the attendants .
10 ‘ I was just thinking that this is a most unexpected setting to find the Midnight Raider in . ’
11 ‘ May I observe that this is a rather strange sort of idleness … ’ and he went on to admit that , although it was difficult for him to defend his present way of life , there was purpose in it , even if that purpose was an obscure one .
12 On closer inspection , however , it is not difficult to see that this is a rather mild counter-movement , one of those smaller eddies that spring up again and again from the many-layered structure of historical change within every stage of more comprehensive processes .
13 The organisers say that this is a responsibly run event and add that any problems which dogged last years festival have been overcome .
14 Is it an illusion to imagine that this is a merely modern phenomenon ? he wrote .
15 Erm , that this is a merely transient and accidental something that erm somehow as it were has stuck on to us , rather like some disagreeable substance on the sole of one 's shoe .
16 O'Connell attests that this is a much more elegant way of offering bespoke software , formerly a high revenue earner for the company .
17 Many systems of payment for commodities are based on ‘ unit price ’ rather than lump sum and indeed it is argued that this is a much simpler system for the general public to understand because the rate is fixed for all eventualities and becomes well known .
18 We should say that this is a more sophisticated design than the simple unit we published and is available by mail order for an inclusive price of £39.95 .
19 Er now it claims , of course that this is a more efficient purchasing mechanism on behalf of the patients and the community of this area the problem is , of course , it depends what you mean by efficiency and the truth is , that we may get increased our purchasing in terms of frugal as they put it delicately our patients !
20 But I think the critical issue of Black Monday and what 's happened since is that this is a very major change in the nature of the market place , but not in the underlying economies of countries , especially the UK .
21 ‘ I do think that this is a very important issue for us in politics .
22 I do n't suggest that this is a very crucial question and everyone is really free to use the gun he prefers since they will all do the job .
23 They would admit that this is a very modern interpretation of the parable and that the original meanings of faithfulness and obedience in the time before the parousia are still fundamental to Christian teaching today .
24 ‘ I was merely pointing out that this is a very specialized machine and requires skilful control . ’
25 I do know that this is a very fine yarn ( hand knitters are pleased to call it ‘ one-ply ’ ) .
26 ‘ No , no , Miss Eyre , but you must realize that this is a very unusual situation .
27 " I have to tell you , sir , that this is a very serious condition .
28 What people have to keep in mind , and what people really should be very concerned about here in Great Britain is the fact that this is a very contentious industry , that there are a number of competitors out there who have taken to slinging innuendo around as if it were mud .
29 ‘ The view of this committee is that this is a very serious matter .
30 I readily acknowledge that this is a very difficult request but I am afraid the timescale has to he met .
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