Example sentences of "that they went [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He says that they went into the deal with their eyes open , there is no way the council treated them unfairly .
2 It used to be a popular theory that death-feigning animals were somehow self-hypnotised , or that they were thrown into such an acute state of shock by their tormentors that they went into an unconscious , cataleptic state , as though from a fit or seizure .
3 In that same year Welford Beaton argued that it was people like clerks who made up the bulk of the great movie audience and that they went to the cinema for inspiration .
4 Although the Chinese transformed rhinoceros horn into forms of customary refinement , it seems unlikely that they went to the trouble of removing agglutinated masses of hair from rhinoceros snouts and lavishing such skill on them for purely aesthetic reasons .
5 Fewer of those mergers , designed to build diversified conglomerates , were ‘ hostile ’ in the sense that they went over the heads of incumbent managers .
6 And the Christians defended themselves right well , and every time that they went upon the walls , they sounded trumpets and tambours ; and made great rejoicings , as the Cid had commanded .
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