Example sentences of "that they can [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 So I , if there are going to be changes in French erm France 's relations with its neighbours within the E E C , erm I do n't see that they can be very quick , and I do n't see that they can ultimately be all that large .
2 And , politics well aside , what unites them is precisely their purity , the fact that they can both be reduced to a matter of pure taste .
3 So although considerable differences remain between the Petralona and Steinheim crania in features such as vault thickness and occipital form , it seems feasible that they can both be regarded as extension of the variation shown in the early Neanderthal population(s) sampled at Atapuerca .
4 All behaviouristic theories of cognition are viciously third-personal , where that expression signifies , first , that they can not be applied to the first-person perspective and , second that our ability to apply them to the third person really rests on our bringing to bear first-person knowledge : as with rats in mazes , where my plain and unreduced apprehension of the rat 's environment enables me to see its grasp of that environment in terms of its behaviour within it .
5 Judgements made in the course of a lecture will be taken down in notes as if they were facts , whereas it is in the nature of critical judgements that they can not be taken over by others ; it is on this dilemma , I believe , that Leavisism ultimately foundered .
6 He also can not cite the sources for many of the bits he is allowed to reveal , with the result that they can not be independently checked .
7 The fact that several types of relatives can be called by the same term does not mean that they can not be distinguished .
8 This does not mean that they can not be found in the world ; a child may wonder what shape or arrangement a triangle is , and have it pointed out to him .
9 This means that ideas can not be abstract , but it does not mean that they can not be general .
10 There are stone pots and earthenware ones with luxury glazes , ancient pots that you find at house sales in the country , and , of course , plastic pots which now come textured and coloured so closely to terracotta that they can not be told apart .
11 This reactive approach is exemplified by realising , at the time when problems arise , that they can not be solved without adequate information .
12 The explanations in the official report are so naive that they can not be taken seriously .
13 However diverse their origins , this means that they can not be presumed typical of their time ; certainly many wrote their life stories just because they were exceptional .
14 Products which are capable of sterilising are either so noxious or corrosive in the concentration required that they can not be used .
15 Today there are very few old buildings so structurally unsound that they can not be saved .
16 Many of these patients claim that they can not be fat because they eat only one meal a day .
17 I suppose ‘ watching ’ is the wrong word , for parents , especially mothers , are so involved in the whole process that they can not be impartial observers .
18 Teachers are told that what they do is vitally important , that they alone can translate and extend the National Curriculum into rich comprehensive learning opportunities and at the same time that they can not be trusted to do the job .
19 If a major war in Europe appears likely , the flights will disperse up to 160 km from their main operating base so that they can not be wiped out in a single nuclear attack .
20 Local experience suggests that they can not be both at the same time .
21 Sometimes it is , sometimes it is n't , but what black people have to do is to become so well qualified that they can not be turned down on this basis — or at least if they are they can refer it to the Race Relations Board .
22 A band that rages across the rock firmament with such intensity that they can not be easily assimilated into the serried ranks of all the other homogenous contenders .
23 Some of these aspects may well combine in complex and inexplicable ways in the learning process and clearly the teacher can not take the chance of depriving learners of effective learning conditions on the grounds that they can not be explained or controlled .
24 The Buddha warned men not to rely on mantras , incantations , sacrifices , rites and ceremonies ; he insisted that they can not be saved without their own co-operation .
25 It is matched only by the insistence of the anonymous reviewer of the TLS that in The Lord of the Rings all the good and bad sides do is try to kill each other , so that they can not be told apart : ‘ Morally there seems nothing to choose between them . ’
26 Although this characteristic is to some extent a handicap in that they can not be used , for instance , with boiling water , there are very great manufacturing advantages since the stuff can be squirted out hot in the form of tubes and sections or else into an elaborately shaped mould where it can be hardened almost instantaneously by rapid chilling .
27 A different , and in some respects more constructive , approach adopted by some international lawyers ( especially Cassese , 1979 ) points to the weakness in terms of effective enforcement of a prohibition of weapons based only on the argument that they can not be used without violation of the general principles of the humanitarian law of war .
28 Fastness to light may be a problem , but this does not mean that they can not be used to make finished pieces .
29 Works councils have been particularly important in securing improvements in working conditions and other non-wage elements since many of these are so specific to individual workplaces that they can not be regulated by means of a general , industry-wide agreement .
30 In October 1875 , their medical officer drew the attention of the Board , after many previous attempts , to meet the need for a separate building , or wards , to receive alleged lunatics who were not susceptible of curative treatment ( sic ) in an asylum , but ‘ whose habits and conduct are such that they can not be associated with the other inmates without injury to the latter ’ .
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