Example sentences of "that they were [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 That sport and , for that matter , entertainment may not be viable avenues from despair is less important than the fact that they were seen as such by groups who saw no alternatives .
2 They were sometimes denied the authority necessary for the fulfilment of their expected role , and it was critically important that they were seen as part of a school 's management team rather than being relegated to the position of mere facilitator .
3 Morley denied that they were intended as a prelude to parliamentary government .
4 That people are born free and equal is an a priori assumption , argued Duguit , whereas it is an incontestable fact that they were born as members of a collectivity .
5 The defence of the format of these books is that they were written as part of a struggle .
6 At this stage , however , only a small number of men were so closely identified with the Woodvilles that they were perceived as a threat by Richard .
7 At this stage , however , only a small number of men were so closely identified with the Woodvilles that they were perceived as a threat by Richard .
8 It is significant that they were known as Tarianas , a title closely resembling that given to the tribes of Turania in Turkistan who were associated with the Serpent , the Taryans .
9 Sometimes the workmanship in these archaic stone artefacts was very fine , and it is possible that they were used as insignia of rank , in much the same way as stone maces in the Wessex Culture in southern England ; if so , it is curious that the same obsolete tool became associated with rank in two cultures that were geographically so widely separated .
10 Their recovery from graves shows that they were used as personal ornaments , but the discovery of large numbers in the peat bogs , sometimes enclosed in eared flasks , suggests that they were also used as votive offerings , a sign which suggests in itself that amber was regarded as precious enough to serve as conspicuous waste .
11 All my examples run to quite high numbers , which suggests not only that they were a large early printing , but that they were used as ordinary day returns in later days .
12 In a measured reconsideration of Blincoe 's account , after a modern historian seeking to defend the early cotton masters sought to discredit it , Professor Musson concluded : There is no doubt whatever that many children were exploited and ill treated in the early textile mills , that they were used as cheap factory labour , that their hours of work were far too long , that accident , ill-health and deformities were common , and that cruel punishments were often inflicted .
13 This huge fourfold piece of political iconography , comparable as imperial propaganda to the Great Exhibition in London of 1851 , was executed we should remember by a single hand and was therefore surely centrally commissioned ; but it is equally significant of the proud standing of the demes that they were chosen as the vehicle for this glorious Attica-wide religious boasting .
14 It seemed like a complete breakdown ; but after a few minutes he saw that they were playing as if they had always played this way .
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