Example sentences of "that they would have [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the early days of the clearinghouses it was anticipated that they would have difficulty in persuading librarians to contribute their material .
2 Responding members of the ACCA , CIMA and CIPFA preferred the option of all members being called chartered accountants , whereas those from the three institutes of chartered accountants indicated that they would have difficulty with this proposition .
3 Although one can understand the Opposition having difficulty with their own Back Benchers , I never expected that they would have difficulty with members of their own Front Bench .
4 Iris and her group were absent , it having been agreed before they set off that they would have lunch in St-Jean-du-Gard and telephone for the mini-bus from the station at Anduze on their return .
5 They had even packed up further provisions in the picnic basket Brian had happened to bring , so that they would have sustenance to help them on their way : Taunton , Wellington , Tiverton .
6 It was not known whether they would be the most advanced protagonists of environmental scanning , but for various reasons it was expected that they would have views about scanning and about the extent to which they wished to undertake formal environmental analysis .
7 Castro described the action of his former communist allies as " repugnant " , saying that they would have blood on their hands in the event of US invasion .
8 They had grounds for thinking that they would have Anselm 's support , and despite Anselm 's strong words about insubordination in 1094 , they were not disappointed .
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