Example sentences of "that they [vb mod] [adv] get " in BNC.

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1 General Publius announced to his soldiers that they would soon get proof of the truthfulness of his prophecies : a red wolf would come and eat him up .
2 None of them doubted that they would eventually get to Greece .
3 Had n't believed that they would just get down on their knees and die , heads bowed .
4 Only I 've come across one or two head teachers who 've taken out things like A B Cs recently , and they did n't realize that they would n't get a lot of value if they cashed them early , you know , if they cashed them within two or three years .
5 Until Wednesday , the worst manifestation of that was warning young Members that they would not get promoted if they did not do what they were told .
6 She knew , from looking at it , that they would not get on .
7 Orkney said that jockeys were worried that they were missing rides , that other jockeys would do well on their horses and that they would not get them back .
8 She saw , too , that they would never get a better moment to start the final , grand hudson .
9 Er mainly because in the past they did n't have the proper equipment to do the work that they were engaged on anyway , and although their own minds would clearly tell them that they would identify the work with certain equipment you know , that was up to date and you know , would make life easier for them and be able to produce more , I think some of them er er their minds were overshadowed by the fact that er there was a degree of mistrust between them and the management , that they would ever get the proper equipment to do the job .
10 Rather like pathological ‘ organisation men ’ , they seem so addicted to bureaucracy that they ca n't get enough of it in their day jobs .
11 I do n't care if they 're hallucinating purple snakes and blue baboons , because the whole point of putting them on a boat is that they ca n't get off and swim home , and they ca n't get drugs on board , and they ca n't bribe you to take them to land , and that means they 'll have no damned choice but to get cured . ’
12 ‘ Now that they ca n't get hold of cocaine they 'll just crash out . ’
13 The people in wheelchairs , it 's fair enough that they ca n't get their own dinner , but they should at least go to the back of the queue like we have to , but they push straight to the front .
14 " Aye — but if there 's anything you want that they ca n't get you. ? "
15 This means you can also tailor rooms for others to use so that they ca n't get at applications you do n't want them to use .
16 At the Gloucestershire careers office a special service has been set up to advise students who may find that they ca n't get into college this year .
17 At the Gloucestershire careers office a special service has been set up to advise students who may find that they ca n't get into college this year .
18 And there is the likelihood that they wo n't get permission to take their child home .
19 It 's a young platoon , it 's a young company , so , er yes they should enjoy it , it 'll be an experience that they 'll not get er anywhere else .
20 It 's a young platoon , it 's a young company , so , er yes , they should enjoy it , it 'll be an experience that they 'll not get er anywhere else .
21 Galbraith attributes the traditional tolerance of the underclass to the view , now perhaps no longer valid , that what keeps them happy ( or , at least , unrevolutionary ) is the possibility that they may eventually get out .
22 Apple , who started the whole ball rolling , politely reckon that they may eventually get 30 dealers who can cope with selling , installing and supporting DTP systems .
23 Having taken the initiative on the Northern Territories , officials of the ruling party are worried that they may not get all the co-operation they need from the civil service .
24 That was one of the orders , there was a little bathroom down in the in the first floor and the thing that they must not get , was your hands dirty .
25 They tried to reach the River Po , which they hoped to cross so that they could eventually get back to Germany .
26 Or if they were told that they could n't get so and so , that was it .
27 And er really er they themselves thought exactly the same like , but they were talking about other people telling them you know that they could n't get this far but they did .
28 but anyhow it , well they , they were there and he bought the pub did n't he and they were moving on the Saturday and he came on the Saturday morning and he cried take the furniture to pieces , some of the furniture , the wardrobes and there was a dining room table that they could n't get into the pub , could I dismantle them and re-assemble them again and that was the first time I 'd ever met him were n't I ?
29 Marathon runners finishing after 2 hours 45 minutes found that they could not get into the stadium after a 26 mile 385 yard slog in 90F temperatures .
30 They complained that they could not get loans from LEDU and if they did , the money only came after long delays .
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