Example sentences of "that they [vb past] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The message that they brought to each doorstep , however , required revision several times during the programme .
2 It is known that the Lombard King Alboin brought his army and then his people on to the plain in 568 , and that they met with little resistance as the Goths had almost vacated the area by that time .
3 I did tell him , however , that the older boys — and I was form-master of the modern sixth — were keenly interested in what was going on in modern literature , but that they seemed to some extent cushioned against modern life in their ignorance , which was almost total , of such currents of thought as Marxism .
4 So that they got to all go off at once .
5 His guess was that they belonged to another of their members .
6 Indeed its members often denied that they belonged to any ‘ group ’ ; they were , they said , primarily friends , with certain family connections , who found some definition ( and their group name ) from the district of London where a number of them lived .
7 You see the only way that you can really discipline them is when you have a school where the rules have been very , very strict from the moment that they went into that school and they have had their noses held to the grindstone with work up to their brows and they just do n't think of being tiresome and anybody who is tiresome is pulled out and put in a special room on their own , called a sin bin an which is rather boring and made to work even harder !
8 Said that they went to some , to see the Addams Family .
9 Even employers who steadfastly denied that they would ever use such a method usually indicated that they knew of those who did .
10 I suppose the main reason was that I was so astonished to find that they existed at all .
11 When 16 Mediterranean states signed a similar ‘ framework treaty ’ in 1976 they considered it so insubstantial that they insisted on all parties to the treaty also signing at least one of the more detailed and binding protocols .
12 That they wrote to each other for a while . ’
13 Now when I tell you about lodging houses , we had four registered lodging houses in Ipswich that they had at that time .
14 I do n't know if anyone wants to put anything into the pool of things that , points that we raised and er or a general feeling that they had after that meeting .
15 It 's very hard to spend months in the archives , reading the papers of the people who spent so much of their lives fighting for this kind of thing , and not I think be rather affected by dedication and by the evidence that they amassed with such enormous difficulty , and by the way they kept coming back and fighting for it over and over again , and the free market argument by comparison lacks that kind of humanity I think .
16 Although precise definitions are hard to come by , it is clear that they looked to some kind of ideal worker , that is , someone who was trustworthy , interested , intelligent , literate and numerate , full of initiative , and capable of mental and physical agility .
17 If these three individuals are innocent of the charge that they contributed in any way to the Holocaust , then that innocence should be revealed in a trial .
18 She knew , of course , that men were driven by lusts of the flesh , desires that they satisfied with little or no regard for the females they wanted , but , strangely enough , she would not have considered fitzAlan to be a man to lose control of himself for that reason .
19 It was there that they bumped into some friends of Alexander 's , a couple with two young children of their own , and spent an hour chatting with them round the café table .
20 Throughout the proceedings people were conscious that they spoke for all Zuwaya , addressing each other formally as ‘ You , Zuwayi there ’ and referred to themselves collectively as ‘ We Zuwaya ’ .
21 Wind , rain , chemical erosion gradually wear into it and the stone that they used for some of the repair of the cathedral in the years gone by has n't worn as well as we would have hoped .
22 Mr. Spearing : Is the Leader of the House aware that those who are concerned about this matter are grateful to him for referring to the Select Committee 's report of two years ago and that we look forward to the Government implementing the intention that they stated at that time ?
23 I addressed first two ancient problems : the relationship between Luke and Acts ( I found that Acts resembled Luke more than it resembled any other book of the NT ) and the relationship between the Apocalypse and the Gospel of St John ( I found that they differed from each other more than any other two books of the NT ) .
24 But this was not a justification for the dissolution of an association of this kind ; the different republics and nationalities were bound together by a common history , by ties of marriage and settlement , and by the trade that they conducted with each other .
25 And there was the beds that was there there was beds were still in that bothy and there was there were three of them must have been in the bed you see , and then there was a a board that they slipped in half up the bed and there was a a mattress or whatever on that and another three on that .
26 The reasons that they gave for this varied considerably .
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