Example sentences of "that they [modal v] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 When I say that , he was sent up the road on suspension er with the intention of management that they would look into the case and you know , possibly dismiss .
2 The Gods , in his opinion , chase after ‘ Daphne ’ and ‘ Syrinx ’ not because they were women but because they anticipated that they would turn into trees .
3 Many will need to pray that they might grow into this new role .
4 But , since the small apartment was in danger of becoming snowed under , principally by Ross 's files and paperwork , she 'd tentatively suggested that they might move into larger and more modern surroundings .
5 The theory was that on seeing the sign motorists would be so surprised that they might drive into the verge or the car in front .
6 The government decreed that land was to remain the property of the landlords , that peasants were to remain subject to communal organizations ( which reduced the likelihood that they might turn into entrepreneurs ) , that the gentry would continue to exercise police duties in the countryside , and that state and local taxes were to be paid as before .
7 They discussed for a moment the possibility that they might get into dreadful trouble but discounted it .
8 It was felt that they might get into all sorts of trouble abroad , so we were , informally , encouraged to marry rather than burn , as it were .
9 New mothers are so terrified of their babies getting cold that they may run into the opposite danger .
10 If literature and its related activities are tainted with ‘ middle-class ’ exclusiveness and , it appears , that teachers engaging pupils in these are ‘ imposing ’ alien values upon working-class pupils , it follows that they must move into the lives of working-class pupils to encourage that culture which , up till now , the largely irrelevant curriculum has ‘ stifled ’ [ … ]
11 He took care to appear blithely unworried as he strolled with his staff , for he knew only too well how the French sympathizers in the city were looking for any sign of allied defeatism that they could turn into an argument to demoralize the Dutch-Belgian troops .
12 The proposed treaty changes would be then submitted to national parliaments for ratification so that they could enter into force on Jan. 1 , 1993 .
13 If on the other hand the signalling cells grew into such a shape that they could come into direct contact with their target organs the chemical signal could be discharged directly at site across the ‘ synaptic ’ gap between the cells .
14 She deserved better than that they should grow into thugs , and they ultimately let her down by disappointing her dream of two perfect boys .
15 ‘ There are some initiatives going on which interest me , whereby young women who had a child when they were adolescent , and although they love the child , regret very much that they were too young , too immature , and too unsupported to care for it effectively : it 's being suggested that they should go into schools and talk to girls about the glories of motherhood at the right time , but begging them not to embark on it too young .
16 The last thing I would want to have to sell to my constituents is the idea that they should go into that bloody mess and be shot at by the bandits on both sides .
17 League chief Ian Cotton said : ‘ Clubs will want to give games every chance but we also feel that they should take into account their opponents . ’
18 There was no brief given to the committee a he suggested , all the criteria that they should take into account were ones that were included in the act .
19 Students ( particularly advanced students ) are frequently vexed by doubts as to the amount of detail that they should put into their answer .
20 After many years of patient work , it has been possible not only to isolate the multipotential stem cells but provide conditions such that they will differentiate into the different kinds of blood cell in culture .
21 Children need reassurance , praise and success , we need to turn every child into a winner so that they will grow into good , caring and generous adults .
22 Is there any evidence now of ( a ) and ( b ) occurring in the way that Boserup and Ruttan have indicated , and that they will continue into the future ?
23 As a result those , including new players , who imagine that they will slot into some preconceived rugby master plan , will find that McGeechan does not issue tablets of stone , but roughly hewn outlines on which will be chiselled whatever is appropriate to each new grouping .
24 If these players are so involved in league games why on earth are entering individual championships knowing rightly that they will run into the inevitable date clash ?
25 This posture is ideal for facing a confrontation , because the arms are so loose that they can swing into action to block an attack and strike at the same time .
26 It is not for teachers to tell them what to believe or value , but it is for them to try to equip pupils in such a way that they can enter into the debate and develop a coherent and perceptive worldview for themselves .
27 Club discount booklet holders will find that they can get into some of our favourite discos in resort , such as Heroes and Banana 's free of charge as well as getting reductions in many other bars and restaurants .
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