Example sentences of "that you can [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 You know , I mean , I 'm just thinking out loud , it has to be someone that you can leave messages with
2 People do n't realise that you can do things for yourself .
3 But you find that you can do things you 've never dreamt of .
4 The fact that you can place objects of the correct size in position also means that the program will help to avoid the heavy work of moving furniture or fixtures and fittings only to find they do n't fit .
5 Under the first few sample questions are guidelines to help you understand what the interviewer is hoping to find out so that you can construct replies which show why you are the candidate who should get the job .
6 If you are buying , you need to start by collecting information about all that is available so that you can compare costs and capabilities .
7 The Empire army list has been put together so that you can choose characters to represent virtually any of the Empire 's famous personalities .
8 This means that you can perform operations on it , such as scanning it for the particular information you want .
9 By about the fifth month they will be able to hear the baby 's heartbeat with a stethoscope , and may feel if the baby moves — in any case , they will check with you that you can feel movements .
10 It is also up to you to allot time for the interviews so that you can send candidates accurate appointments .
11 It means that you can spot irrelevancies and be better at controlling your behaviour so that it contributes to the achievement of your objective .
12 But the main disadvantage of the Edinburgh Room is that you can borrow slides only and not everything can be photocopied .
13 Although it is obviously more expensive than sticking with applied adhesive , this method means that you can change fabrics if you like to achieve a fresh effect , and also clean the fabric as necessary .
14 You claim that you can discover things that are unknowable in an orthodox fashion by moving about the representation of this world inside your own head .
15 They say that you can make cells reproduce faster if you injure the skin , if you inflame it , slap it , sunburn it or even rub it .
16 One of the qualifications for being a Tory is that you can make comments like ‘ adverse comment ’ about a cut of this sort erm and remember that you have heard representations of the strongest sort from very well documented people who are going to be affected by these cuts .
17 The versatility of rectangular-shaped frames means that you can make pictures that vary considerably in size , from the very small to the size pictured opposite , which is 30 × 15cm ( 12 × 6in ) .
18 A whole world of colour and sound is waiting to be brought back on video tape , and camcorders are now so simple to operate , and so portable , that you can take pictures just about anywhere .
19 The good news is that you can take steps to prevent heart attacks happening to you and your family .
20 It is here that you can try things out and work on your whole repertoire of turns ( refer to previous Pocket Clinics for inspiration ) .
21 The advantage of having a text in computerised form is that you can find things in it very easily using computerised search techniques , and you can do more complicated searches than you ever could with a printed concordance .
22 It was a place where there were huge contrasts between the ‘ haves ’ and the ‘ have nots ’ — between those who worshipped at the altar of a comfortable middle-class lifestyle and those who worshipped at the altar of envy and jealousy of those around them — and I am sure that you can find echoes of those things in Exeter at this end of 1991 .
23 And it pays to travel about You see the problem with Jackie and Nev is always been that they ca n't believe that you can get things in a place like W H Smiths that will that will do very nicely as a Christmas present .
24 Well it pays to tramp around you see the problem with Jackie and Len has always been that they can not believe that you can get things in a place like W H Smith that will , that will do very nicely as a Christmas present , they tend to go
25 If you become pregnant you should tell your Social Security office and let them know the date your baby is due , so that you can get tokens for seven pints or eight half-litres of milk each week for yourself until your baby is born .
26 There are many people who believe sincerely that you can train children for life without resorting to punishment .
27 The whole idea of WYSIWYG is that you can see changes happening as you do things .
28 ‘ You sit there and tell me that you can see men or ghosts or apparitions that no one else can see ; you deny all evidence that the man or ghost or apparition is actually elsewhere and therefore can not be here ; and I am prejudiced ?
29 Keep well away so that you can see slopes properly and , when possible , view the field from at least two sides .
30 You should ask for a copy of the letter of appointment so that you can check that your client is going to be there , but also so that you can withdraw instructions if the appointment is too far ahead .
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