Example sentences of "that you have [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think the people who advocate these policies understand that you have every wish to put the decision off .
2 Dare to tell me that you see nothing there of him , that you have no feeling for the strokes of your hands , that you have no will in you to venture after him !
3 Another sense in which you 're anti-humanist is that you have no truck with ideas of personal ( or social ) progress — people achieving self-sufficiency and fullness of being by becoming more ‘ conscious ’ .
4 ‘ You mean it simply did n't cross your mind to inform me yesterday that you have no insurance ? ’
5 When er I I John I hope will have told you on the phone that you have no responsibility for setting the assignments .
6 And it 's important for me to clear that side of it on the basis that you have no responsibility for setting the assignments up .
7 Can it be that you have no idea of the power a young , nubile girl can exercise over a young , impressionable male ? ’
8 ‘ Dame Sybil mentioned that you have no ribbon to fasten your braid , my lady .
9 How is it that you have no faith ?
10 How is it that you have no faith ?
11 You think at first that you have no choice , that it 's not up to you to decide on things like boyfriends — he 's sexy or he 's ugly — that you can just forget it .
12 When you have to take a job , even if it 's a job you can mildly stomach … the fact that you have no choice crushes your enthusiasm for doing the job . ’
13 The fact of the matter is that you have no choice either way , and rightly so .
14 But , if you do find yourself in the situation of describing an area of life you are unfamiliar with , remember the man with the magnum of champagne and avoid , as far as you possibly can , using any fact , however trivial , however seductive , that you have no warrant for in someone else 's words or pictures .
15 ( c ) In addition , there are so many visitors that you have no time to question them all .
16 ‘ I do n't believe for a minute that you have no intention of making love to me .
17 Am I right in assuming that you have no use for it ?
18 They may suggest that you have no confidence in your argument or even that you ca n't make up your mind — and that does not make for much of an argument .
19 Beauty or whatever you call it that makes you feel that you have no shame any more , none left at all .
20 If you decide that kit garages do not offer what you want , or you have a particularly awkward site to cope with , you may decide that you have no option but to design and build a garage to suit your requirements .
21 Dare to tell me that you see nothing there of him , that you have no feeling for the strokes of your hands , that you have no will in you to venture after him !
22 I think you need reminding that I am not your property ; never have been and never shall be ; and that you have no right at all to touch me if I do n't wish it , and none whatsoever to hurt me .
23 ‘ Then let me tell you that you have no right to include me in your sordid games .
24 A time may come when you decide , however reluctantly , that you have no alternative but to seek redress by complaining to an industrial tribunal or making a claim through the civil courts .
25 ‘ What will be will be ’ ; a sense that you have no control over your own destiny .
26 On top of your fear , anger and guilt , you have to accept that you have no control over what happens next .
27 Disadvantages include the fact that you have no control over other tenants and the consequences of their habits .
28 Similar to a fixed rate loan in that you have a ceiling above which your payments will not rise .
29 The solution is that you have a confederate who , when you put your hands on her head , clenches her teeth a number of times .
30 One is that you have a company car that you are about to lose .
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