Example sentences of "that he be a [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I discovered at the interview that he 's a most amazing snob .
2 Faced with an actor reading , as Alan Bates did for much of his one-man show at Edinburgh this year , you 're tempted to conclude that he 's a little under-rehearsed .
3 Since men are usually a bit taller than their female partners , it 's easier if the man can stand so that he 's a little lower than his partner .
4 I suppose all this henthusiasm has nothing to do with the fact that he 's a very handsome young man , has it ? ’
5 That he 's a very shrewd and dangerous opponent .
6 It could be that he 's a very poor loser . ’
7 The thing to bear in mind about Johnson is that he 's a very , very , self-conscious professional kind of writer .
8 He attributes this to the ‘ I know a little man ’ syndrome , but one gets the feeling that he is a little weary of being other people 's secret .
9 Now he is outside the car I see that he is a little over six feet tall and carries no more spare flesh than does an iron poker .
10 The case has already given you Fred 's answer , and what you are told about Fred suggests ( deliberately ) that he is a pretty tough , hard-bitten sort of character .
11 ‘ Eubank trains very hard but the real secret to his success is that he is a very clean living boy , ’ said Davies .
12 He manipulates our feelings and views towards characters throughout the book , successfully , which also shows and convinces us that he is a very competent writer and very real .
13 I only know that he is a very kind and gentle person .
14 Mum and I go to see him sometimes , and we agree that he is a much nicer person than he used to be .
15 Today we might say that he was a little ‘ thick ’ .
16 Patrick told me that he was a little worried about the brightness in tone that would inevitably result from a totally maple body and so he suggested to Jim Sullivan that actives might well hold the answer .
17 I had found out that her name was Miss Vulcan and I gave her this information as well as telling her that Miss Vulcan had a brother named Freddie who visited her and that he was a little old man who wore a black cap on his head and sported a goatee beard .
18 For I could tell that he was a little rusty , and I wondered if sometimes this affable and agreeable companion was worried because he knew that he was not keeping up with the strides that modern medicine was taking .
19 He has since , of course , achieved a political status by which presumably I ought now to judge him , but as a junior voice in a senior assembly I could not resist the conclusion that he was a little too forthcoming , particularly when on one occasion he outraged me by a suggestion that if a common waiting-list was established , consolidating both private and NHS priorities , the NHS patients should have pride of place before private patients came into the reckoning .
20 Boldwood 's manner showed that he was a little ashamed of offering money , but he was prepared to do almost anything to prevent Troy marrying Bathsheba .
21 He was a large , fat man , and very proud of his hat , which showed the world that he was a most important official .
22 He was just non compos mentis most of the time and there were times when you could be forgiven for forgetting that he was a woefully sick man .
23 From the only letter which survives written by William Springett , one can only conclude that he was a rather unpleasant man .
24 After all , Mr Wormwood was a successful motor-car dealer so she presumed that he was a fairly intelligent man himself .
25 Whatever may be said about his lordship these days — and the great majority of it is , as I say , utter nonsense — I can declare that he was a truly good man at heart , a gentleman through and through , and one I am today proud to have given my best years of service to .
26 Those working around Reagan soon discovered that he was a very lazy president .
27 One of the reasons for Tip 's success as a caddie is that he was a very successful golfer in his own right ; he was a true three-handicapper because he earned his three on some of the world 's most formidable links .
28 Her reason for this was that he was a very quiet child and seldom communicated with her .
29 He stressed that he was a very likeable little boy .
30 wrote that he was a very good mathematician .
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