Example sentences of "that he [modal v] go to " in BNC.

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1 Which is also why I feel that he ought to go to Ironcrest as well .
2 In that case , our malevolent might have decided to wait around on the off-chance that he would go to the kitchen or bathroom .
3 One of these was that he would go to India only ‘ at the open invitation of the Indian parties ’ .
4 When it was suggested that he would go to the tough Gordonstoun school , she put her foot down .
5 Richard indeed added that there was no way that he would go to Jerusalem unless his younger brother went with him .
6 He had also promised Mr Harvey that he would go to Maythorpe House and make sure that all was being kept in order there .
7 Nobody with his integrity and substance — and again she marvelled that he would go to the extent of altering his house to enable his anything-but-lovable stepmother to live in it .
8 The Ambassador had responded that he would go to the top and make representations to President Ceauŝescu himself .
9 ‘ Ca n't believe it , can you , that he would go to such lengths ? ’ she said .
10 She could n't be foolish enough to ignore the fact that he had already stated that he would go to any lengths to protect it .
11 He was advised by his teacher to choose the latter and it was suggested that he should go to Oxford and read chemistry .
12 He said , ‘ I expect you 've got a busy day tomorrow , ( as a hint to the guest that he should go to bed ) .
13 There was a silence for a moment in the sitting-room , and then Lavinia said again that he should go to bed .
14 He also showed his inexperience by asking Gerry Gomez , his captain , if he could be substituted so that he could go to the airport to meet his sister .
15 When he was about thirteen or fourteen he decided he would like to take classes provided that he could go to private lessons .
16 Another friend of mine , a man who spent most of his adult life looking after his elderly parents until they both died within a year of each other , came home from work one evening and suddenly realised that he could go to the cinema and have a meal out without worrying about anyone else .
17 My old man occasionally joined us on a Saturday morning , but only to get some cash off Granpa so that he could go to the Black Bull and spend it all with his mate Bert Shorrocks .
18 Fortunately most old people do get a satisfactory service from their general practitioner , finding that he will go to great trouble to see that they get all the medical and social help that is available to them .
19 It is truly said that he can go to bed at night with a clear sky as far as Home Affairs are concerned and wake up the next morning with a major crisis on his hands .
20 For the most part it does not come from wealthy people such as the hon. Member for Oldham , West and other hon. Members — The hon. Gentleman seems to think that he can go to his constituents and say , ’ Woe is me , I only earn £30,000 a year as a Member of Parliament . ’
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