Example sentences of "that he [be] still [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Jacklin reports that he 's still hitting the ball well and ‘ feels hungry ’ again .
2 In such a situation , it is hard to believe Zarei 's claim that he is still enjoying running , but an essential part of the make-up of any top ultra runner is a fierce determination to test themselves to the limit .
3 The liquidator , Chris Ashurst of Brighton-based Neville Russell , says that he is still looking for a missing £1m of stock and is keen to hear from anyone who bought OCT machines from anywhere other than the London direct-sales team , or the liquidators ' auction held in Bristol .
4 AUTHOR Jeffrey Archer tells me that he is still signing his name ‘ Jeffrey Archer ’ in his books , rejecting the easy option available since his peerage of signing just ‘ Archer ’ .
5 When they returned , the Army found the King continuing to hold dilatory discussions with Parliamentary representatives , but his intercepted correspondence showed that he was still trying to stimulate invasions on his behalf from abroad .
6 But it seems that , I mean , redressing a paper that you know what it says is one thing erm so something like Hillman 's Guardian , he knows what words they are going to use in those headlines and he provides them with a new look for saying those words in , but in many ways his redesign of that paper was erm it was an undynamic one in the sense that he was still providing them with elements which they could bolt together to make a page in a classic broadsheet newspaper way .
7 Bobo was reaching out with her begging gesture again , and he realised that he was still holding the bananas .
8 ‘ You can let me go now , ’ Jenna said stiffly , reminding him that he was still holding her in arms that were beginning to tighten almost imperceptibly .
9 The frustration of what she could only identify as love for him , plus the fact that she 'd given herself to him so completely , mixed with her suspicion that he was still using her in some way to further his own undisclosed purposes , had engendered a turmoil of emotions within her , among which , she was ashamed and horrified to realise , lurked a certain impulse to exercise violence on his person .
10 That idea had occurred to her before now , but a gut feeling told her that he was still living locally .
11 She had never spent so long taking her clothes off , but when she finally stood alluringly naked she saw that he was still looking at her mouth .
12 I could n't see his expression in the dimness , only that he was still looking at Russell .
13 Johnny , as though realizing for the first time that he was still wearing his pyjama trousers , began to worry at the knot in the cord at his waist , the trembling of his hands causing him to fumble ineffectively .
14 Frank was successful in getting the job and was given a company car , an old Morris Minor , omitting to say that he was still learning to drive and wife Betty would always have to accompany him .
15 Mr Wilson added that he was still pursuing the wider issues of the case until it became apparent whether the case of Ian X was unique .
16 Bludworth stated that he was still considering whether to bring similar charges against NBC News and the New York Times which also disclosed the name of the woman .
17 She realised that he was still speaking , and she answered vaguely , ‘ Do ?
18 On the one hand Mrs Singh was told that his drawing and writing were immature , that he was still drawing and writing like a very young child ; yet later she was told that he was very good with a pencil and talented at art !
19 She had been worried that he was still playing too much and not learning anything .
20 However , in an interview from his home in the Army 's Dhaka cantonment on Dec. 9 Ershad insisted that he was still planning to contest the forthcoming parliamentary , and possibly presidential , elections .
21 I decided to telephone him in the hope that he was still soothing his habitual hangover with buckets of orange juice , followed by gallons of coffee .
22 It was not as easy as that because , when he put his head forward , he saw in the mirror that he was still lifting his chest and arching his back .
23 He flicked back the cuff of his jacket to glance at his watch and as he did so he saw that he was still carrying Maidstone 's hat .
24 Huy assumed that he was still working on it .
25 ‘ 'Then some asshole of a journalist printed a story that he was still working for the Company and a couple of weeks later the Red Brigade snatched both of them .
26 On July 8 he was quoted in Berne as saying that he was still awaiting a response from opposition groups .
27 The Colonel explained that he was still waiting for orders , and the General swore like the trooper he had once been and said that a French officer did not need orders when the enemy was in plain sight .
28 When she put the glass down , she saw that he was still waiting for a reply .
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