Example sentences of "that he [verb] [vb pp] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd messed up his note-book , scared off the hen pheasant that he 'd waited ages to lure to the feeding ground , nicked his helmet , that was all .
2 Of course they would for a start , I have n't done anything , all that sort of business , but he was extremely good and I think the reason that he 'd got admissions quicker than we did , was partly by virtue of the fact that he was the boss of the department .
3 ‘ He telephoned to tell me about it … he was very angry when he saw you with that book and I could tell that he had said things he should not have said . ’
4 In early September he denied charges of impropriety after fresh allegations that he had accepted favours from a wealthy property developer .
5 I flicked the tape machine on at the point where I 'd suggested to Joe that he had swapped sides , from the analytical guitar teacher to being the very subject of such analysis himself .
6 Fawcett says that he had noticed scraps of similar material in earlier test runs on the apparatus , but this was the first time that he drew it to Gibson 's attention .
7 He became a zealous agent of Thomas Cromwell in the Dissolution and , according to John Foxe , ‘ repented him very muche that he had made Songes to Popish Ditties in the time of his blindnes ’ and seemingly abandoned composition .
8 He revealed that he had made bids for reinforcements and reaffirmed that his major target was Manchester United outcast , Neil Webb .
9 Interviewed last year , Gagosian responded to the accusation that he had made transparencies of paintings reproduced in art magazines and offered them for sale as ‘ a scurrilous charge ’ — but he went on to admit ‘ Well , I may have done it once . ’
10 In addition he accepted an undertaking by the defendent not to reveal other than to his legal advisers the fact that he had made communications to FIMBRA and the Inland Revenue .
11 Then , on Tuesday , 2 April , the city 's black mayor , Tom Bradley , publicly stated that he had asked Gates to resign from his job .
12 The judge ruled that there was no evidence that he had incited members of the group to violence .
13 Rumours that he had granted peasants a chance of achieving their freedom spread far beyond the region to which his edict applied .
14 A contemporary physician in Barcelona , Dr Diza de Isla , wrote that syphilis had been unknown until that date and that he had treated members of the crew for ‘ bubas ’ and the ‘ serpentine disease ’ .
15 He did not register much surprise at this important discovery , but it needs to be borne in mind that he supposed that he had reached islands near the eastern shores of Asia rather than a land mass inaccessible to the descendents of Noah !
16 Yes I I was erm the additional information that was available to me at this time , er Sergeant the er having left me the previous night er had actually , had gone to the premises erm , gone to the flats erm and had er put himself in the area of the flat and was able to tell me that he had heard voices , two male voices coming from within the flat .
17 Hamill assured them that he had sent telegrams on their behalf to Terence O'Neill and Harold Wilson protesting about the incident at the Guildhall .
18 It was n't merely that he had lost stones in weight — dash it , the man 's sobriquet was a libel now — but that his whole demeanour was that of a soldier completely confused , completely disorientated .
19 It cleared him by 10 votes to three of a charge that he had received bribes from Koskotas , and by nine votes to four of a charge that he had embezzled state funds by asking the Ministry of Finance to write off illegally debts owed by an Athens hotelier , Socrates Kalkanis .
20 They also stated that he had received funds from North Korea .
21 This was the claim of her friend and associate Lee Lacey who said that he had received messages of love from Doris during her memorial service at the Friends ' Meeting House , Euston Road , London .
22 On April 8 Tudjman announced that he had received assurances from the JNA leadership that the JNA would not interfere in the settlement of the political crisis , but on April 11 the Croatian government announced the establishment of a de facto republican army in the form of a Croatian National Guard Corps .
23 After talks with Gorbachev in Moscow on May 3 , Armenian President Levon Ter-Petrosyan announced that he had received assurances that the wounded would be evacuated and that the Soviet authorities would intervene to stop Armenians being deported from communities in border areas of Azerbaijan .
24 Dudayev claimed that he had received expressions of support from the leaders of Georgia and Azerbaijan , and also from the largely Moslem autonomous republics of Tartaria and Dagestan .
25 In 1990 , it emerged that he had held discussions about buying PowerGen , the state electricity generator , outright .
26 On Nov. 21 President Najibullah confirmed during a press conference at the UN 's Geneva offices that he had held talks with " prominent personalities of the opposition side " on a " political solution " to end 12 years of civil war .
27 He emphasized that he had chosen ministers on grounds of expertise — only three members of the Cabinet had previous ministerial experience .
28 He once told Earl delightedly that he had spotted Abrams at an airport but Abrams ( perceptiveness not his strong suit ) had not spotted him , and that ‘ his tradecraft of observing was better than Elliott 's ’ Secret agents carried gadgets with which they could speak to headquarters from the most unlikely places ; once , at a party , North was said to have produced a scrambler-telephone from his briefcase , together with a half-eaten sandwich , and to have gone out into the garden to dial the house .
29 He can claim , whether truthfully or not , that he had recommended clients to come in at exactly the right times .
30 Murgatroyd wanted to change the basis of the launch at the last moment : he had the idea of claiming that he had found instructions for making the snacks in a recipe book compiled by his great-grandmother .
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