Example sentences of "that he [verb] [noun sg] when " in BNC.

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1 This old man had once told me that he left school when he was twelve , whereas I had spent most of the twenty-four years of my life in study .
2 The front-runner has kept his ill-starred record , in Brown 's words , as ‘ the scandal-a-week candidate ’ with his recent admission after years of slippery circumlocution that he smoked marijuana when a student at Oxford 22 years ago .
3 On the facts of Modupe the accused was guilty of inducing his creditors to wait for payment when he had obtained credit by stating that he owned property when he did not and by exaggerating his employment status .
4 He is a media manipulator of genius , so adept at the mechanics of mass communication that he pauses mid-sentence when he sees that my cassette recorder has run out of tape , waiting patiently until I have inserted a new cassette before carrying on with what he was saying from exactly where he stopped .
5 The literal meaning seems to be that a man is so full of the Holy Spirit that he carries conviction when he speaks about Christ .
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