Example sentences of "that he [verb] [pers pn] be " in BNC.

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1 That he heard I was so tremendously successful in the Gothic style that if he let me alone I should Gothicize the whole country , &c. , &c. , & c .
2 He suggested abortion two or three times and made it very clear that he thought I was making a mistake .
3 I had an idea that he thought I was someone else .
4 Her father came up and listened for a while and then said that he thought it was all marvellous but he did n't understand a word of it .
5 With regard to the foundation on which his advocacy of the primacy was based , it can be summed up by saying that he thought it was an integral part of the rights of the church committed to his care , testified to by the living members of the community and the tradition which they inherited .
6 Nor did he say that he thought it was unlikely , on the whole , that the Bishop would sack a perfectly competent administrator who happened not to be smarmy enough to some thruster from the Scottish lowlands .
7 Mhm , he did actually say that he thought it was highly unlikely
8 Perhaps the whole world that he thought he was experiencing was , mysteriously , an idea in some greater head .
9 He said that he thought he was being arrested in connection with the fight .
10 It seems to have been about then that he mentioned for the first time that he thought he was being poisoned with acqua toffana ( a notorious Italian poison ) .
11 Claudia blushed at the thought of seeing Hadrian 's Wall with Roman as her guide , but the pleasure faded quickly as she remembered that he thought she was Garry 's mistress .
12 By his expression , it was clear that he thought she was lying .
13 Jane smiled cheerfully , so that he thought she was being charitable , or even contemptuous , and he looked down at his hands .
14 It had been bad enough that he thought she was interested before this had happened .
15 And while her heart swelled — could he be saying that he thought she was lovely ? — a few seconds later he was steering the Mercedes around a bend and was then at once driving to the other side of the road where a kind of lay-by had been cut into a high mass of rock .
16 Dougal mumbled that he hoped he was .
17 The Barley Mow tends to be an instant poll of opinion on matters motor racing , and before the Spanish Grand Prix when a Mansell comeback was mooted , one regular announced that he hoped it was true because Nigel was the most exciting British driver anyone could remember .
18 He went on to say that he felt they were both being rather silly and he wanted to make amends .
19 Scott , who at that time was a senior Vice-President of the Institute , later wrote that he felt he was ‘ at liberty to stir ’ .
20 In expressing the view that he felt he was n't making a large contribution to the activities of the Commission , he also requested some guidance on what his role should be or what view the Commission had about his role .
21 Er , yeah , I think , I think it 's this stress that he felt he was under which led him to panic .
22 Before Eva had time to do a mental check list of any way that she or the students at the ICO might have offended , General Wiseman informed her that he felt she was the right person to take over leadership of the women 's social services .
23 He said that he felt it was unfair that his wife should reprimand Jenny as she was so young and did not know how to share properly yet .
24 Berowne 's only explanation had been that he felt it was time for his life to take a new direction .
25 He spoke in a voice that he told me was his Courtroom voice .
26 There is the rumbling , heard during the election campaign , that his organisation ‘ United We Stand America ’ is far from being the grass-roots citizens ' army that he says it is , more a body tightly controlled by Mr Perot and a handful of lieutenants in Dallas .
27 This unpleasant experience was alleviated by the company of his wife , who also brought with her so many domestic items that he says it was almost as comfortable as being at home !
28 Otherwise a very ‘ macho ’ man might feel embarrassed at having to say that he feels he is living as a fragile teenage girl .
29 David Evans , head of geology at the Heart of England School in Solihull , said that he feels it is vital to develop good links between industry and education .
30 He says that he feels it was a fair hearing .
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