Example sentences of "that he [vb -s] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 His method is to record what happens , over the course of sixty years of the narrator 's life , to the large group of people that he meets and meets again during this period ; what they made of themselves and what he made of them .
2 If not , ensure that he hears and pronounces words .
3 The New Ager certainly demonstrates some of these qualities in the way that he creates and refines an original artistic fiction .
4 Not just because of who he is , but because they think that he understands and cares , and may be able to intercede .
5 The Bf 109G that he remembers and photographed carried the serial RN228 .
6 ‘ The helpful guidebook , in Hungarian and German , told me that this sportive Death was saying , ‘ In this doleful jeste of Life , I shew the state of Manne , and how he is called at uncertayne tymes by Me to forget all that he hath and lose All . ’
7 Yet when he is confronted with Stephano and Trinculo , the good-for-nothing drunken servants , Caliban is so frightened that he cowers and speaks prose ( 55ff . ) .
8 Regarding the customer as all-important is an attitude of mind that he develops and encourages through the organization .
9 The total form of a person 's language that he knows and uses at any stage of his development .
10 He draws inspiration from ordinary scenes and simple places that he knows and loves .
11 Secondly , this was conditional upon Louis IX of France ceding to Henry all rights ‘ that he has and holds in these three dioceses and three cities : that is to say , Limoges , Cahors and Périgueux , in fiefs and in domains ’ .
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