Example sentences of "that he [vb mod] [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How pretty those houses are , ’ said Mark , feeling that he ought to stay and talk to her a little longer .
2 It was in Alistair 's mind that he might locate and intercept his own letter .
3 There was a risk that he might overstrain and enlarge his heart : he told one visitor that the sensation was like that of " harbouring some runaway machine " .
4 Who could be so abominable and so foul and so devoid of proper awe that he might heave and push and grunt and pant above her parted legs ?
5 Who would be so abominable and so foul and so devoid of proper awe that he might heave and push and grunt and pant above her parted legs ? — ’
6 ‘ Who could be so abominable and so foul and so devoid of proper awe that he might heave and push and grunt and pant above her parted legs ? ’
7 I do n't want him , it worried me that he might come and bother your mother .
8 He said that he would return and inform Will Douglas .
9 She hoped that he would stop and kiss her , but he did n't .
10 He did n't tell her how they had beaten him with plastic tubes filled with sand so that he would hurt and bruise without breaking his bones .
11 THE Home Secretary has told colleagues that he expects a fresh Commons debate on the death penalty before the next election and that he would speak and vote for its restoration as a deterrent for some murders .
12 The pilot radioed his plight but added that he would try and land anyway .
13 He applied four times for permanent posts in Cambridge , but was each time unsuccessful ; it was feared that he would alarm and discourage his pupils , particularly the weaker sort .
14 I had a spare bedroom and eventually , we agreed that he would come and live in my flat as a lodger — which is what happened .
15 But since he was too weak to travel , it was arranged that he would come and stay with my husband and I until he was fit enough to fly back to Jersey where he and my mother lived .
16 There was evidence that the overwhelming likelihood was , on the history , that he would abscond and if he did so there was a serious risk of significant harm .
17 He knew that he should slow and seek shelter .
18 A sketch wad found on my locker door and I believe the author was Nobby Hall ; he had opposed my views on ditching , as well he might , since he was an ex-officer , Merchant Navy , who had joined the RAF as a direct entry sergeant pilot in the Baldwin expansion period , and it was indeed ironic that he should perish and his crew saved .
19 I felt like murmuring the verses about Judas going out and hanging himself , and that he should go and do likewise , but Benjamin looked so quietly pleased with himself that I bit my tongue .
20 A member of a board , although not affected by one of the statutory disqualifications above mentioned , may be so closely associated with the subject-matter of the proceedings as to make it improper that he should act and vote as a member of the board in connection with them .
21 Er this week 's production sheet er and I wonder of Ian could bear in mind that he should try and keep an extra ten tonne when he 's looking at his reserves here just in case
22 She thought of looking at the doctor and indicating that he should interfere and stop it ; but she did not .
23 After a pause for thought she told Dad that he must go and ask the Captain if he could let them have some cups and saucers and whatever else was available , even if they could not have the hall .
24 Balboa — as avaricious , arrogant and adventurous as any of his brother conquistadores — decided in an instant that he must go and see for himself .
25 Whereas the priests told him that he must die and would go either to heaven or to hell , the singers of songs told him that , though he must die , his name need not and that it was up to him whether he left behind a good or an evil reputation .
26 Blake felt it was like the muse which inspired him , and dictated from a hidden recess that he must write and what he had to write .
27 When the angina patient seemed to be stable he too was transported to an ambulance to be taken to hospital so that he could rest and fully recover from his attack .
28 Odd-Knut dropped us off so that he could go and get the last of his dog food .
29 Teversham had agreed to call the AC at the yard and report that the identification had been confirmed , so that he could go and see Giles Hawick .
30 The beginning of civilisation was almost certainly a mental development which came long before it affected man 's physical abilities , and it could well have been the moment when for the first time , a primitive creature found that he could override and control the instinctive urge to act , which up to that time would have been the only source of motivation .
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