Example sentences of "that i may [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Or was it just another side of his character I had not seen before , but that I may have suspected was always there ?
2 ‘ No , the only thing I regret is that I may have rushed you into something you 're already beginning to repent .
3 I am all too ready to admit that I may have misunderstood what I have read in modern French theory ; the problem is in getting any minimal intellectual purchase on it at all .
4 Thus I might say to someone " Let's go and find out which is the oldest tree in the park " , without fearing that I may have said something unintelligible just because neither of us is certain what the outcome of our search will be .
5 it would have been a matter that I may have raised at our board meeting , again , again , that would have been passed on
6 ‘ Now that you point it out , I see that I may have acted rashly . ’
7 I hope that I may have encouraged some of my readers to use the garter carriage and next month I will be exploring stitch patterns and ways of combining these into interesting garments .
8 I would be more than thankful and hopeful that I may have helped him in return for the inspiration he has given me .
9 Do you consider that I may have committed a disciplinary offence ?
10 " I was glad to have a second chance to be leader to correct some of the insensitivities that I may have had , because of my own personal drive , wanting to get things done .
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