Example sentences of "that i could [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The friend felt Levi had survived ‘ so that I could bear witness ’ .
2 I was stupid to think that I could bring reason and truth into their lives and thoughts .
3 And of course I was also born almost with the , with one very important advantage , which was that I could speak German erm from birth , as well as English .
4 Well it 'd probably be the June or July before I went in for this exam , which they did n't hold very frequently and er then I had to pass this exam and that I could leave school in the August , Bank Holiday .
5 Six months in Switzerland was the first suggestion but later it was decided that I could combine business and health by making a trip to New Zealand and learning the pelt fur business from the practical source in the fell-mongeries there .
6 I decided that I could find space for a few really large trees and decided to stock fence in front of the spinney and put in an oak and two beech and three ash well away from the fence .
7 I was so green I did n't know what was behind it and boasted that I could become Judge 's Baby when I got back to the dressing-room .
8 And actually , one day , because she knew it was my favourite , she said that I could have permission to have it copied and gave me the name of the jeweller , which I thought was so sweet .
9 Oh Dave , my journey , running about early in the morning to leave everything tidy for the chaps , came out without anything inside their tum , provided that I could have coffee on the , in the buffet car on the train from Stow Market , no hot drinks madam , we have n't got enough power in the batteries , I thought well you know it 's all , we got to Liverpool Street on time
10 It needs a very large orchestra and I needed a lot of rehearsals so that I could have time to explain the piece fully to the orchestra .
11 Next door to that I could buy carrot cake ice-cream .
12 I had also proved to myself that I could play football at least as well as the other boys , if not better .
13 Er er always played football or tennis and I I played all sports that I could get hold of .
14 I knew that I could put life into a body that was not alive .
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