Example sentences of "that i [was/were] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I would think that whoever took those things is very worried indeed now to find that I was with Harry and that he is alive .
2 ‘ I knew there were only seconds to go and could feel my strength failing with each moment , and a drifting kind of sleep coming on me which whispered , ‘ Give up , Minch , give up … ’ and it was only the knowledge that I was of Callanish , the greatest of the sites , that kept me fighting those few more seconds .
3 I could think that I was at school again , lying in the long grass waiting to bat , or walking over Berkshire downs or along a Devon valley .
4 ‘ I rather think ’ Mr Nightingale said ‘ that I was at school with your uncle C. A. Harbinger .
5 Nevertheless , I was always thankful that I was at Magdalen , perhaps the most beautiful of Oxford colleges .
6 During the time that I was at MainMan , David had become more and more removed from us , but I figured that that was because he was so busy and that was the way it was when you had become a big star .
7 Did I tell you that I was at Belsen just after it was liberated ? ’
8 She 'd been trying to prove that I was on drugs since I was fourteen .
9 At this airport the pottery was the same , but it was placed so high up the wall that I was on tiptoe and firing upwards .
10 I believe her , I trust her and I was not bewitched by her green eyes , owing to the fact that I was on duty at the time . ’
11 ‘ Anders has achieved so many of his goals this year that I was on Jamie 's side .
12 I never gave in , but within weeks the networks were buzzing with the news that I was into censorship and as bad as Mary Whitehouse .
13 Perhaps it was despair that made me believe there was one person in the world who might know that I was in despair .
14 We had tea and discussed everything except the two things that interested me : the fact that I was in love with her daughter , and the fact that her husband had run off with a schoolgirl .
15 " It was n't that I was in love with him , you know , " she said , from time to time , as chorus to her main argument , " it was n't as though I was in love with him , you know . "
16 Mum guessed there was something and in the end I told her that I was in love with a married man .
17 Surely you always knew that I was in love with you ? ’
18 ‘ We talked about it , ’ said Jenny , ‘ because I told him frankly that I was in love with Jamie , and he looked at me as if I needed my head examined ! ’
19 ‘ I just did n't have any other way of stopping you guessing that I was in love with you .
20 ‘ And I did admit to myself that I was in love with you that night , ’ she said huskily .
21 ‘ In my defence , I 'd only recently admitted to myself that I was in love with you .
22 This was a very comforting thing , although I must admit that I heard of no cases occurring in the period that I was in Mespot .
23 It proved to me that I was in earnest , that I was truly resolved .
24 I had a bit of trouble on the Underground with all those automatic machines but one of the station staff spotted that I was in difficulty and came to my aid .
25 I dreamt that I was in Cardiff and in bed with the wife .
26 He should understand that I was in favour of a social charter in Europe before there was any such thing as the European Community .
27 Anorexia provided me with the illusion that I was in control , not only of my body and my own status within the community , but of that community itself and , finally , of the biological processes which others around me were powerless to influence .
28 It did n't occur to me that I was in labour because it was too early .
29 Meanwhile , I was sweating and burning up so much that I was in danger of melting away into a puddle .
30 I realised that I was in danger of being fooled by the maps .
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