Example sentences of "that what is [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well , most obviously I have learnt that what is good for me can not necessarily be applied to everyone , although I still tend to dish out unsolicited advice .
2 It is a matter of planning , management and marketing to ensure that what is good in the locality is preserved and conserved .
3 In opposition to centrally imposed ‘ local economic strategies ’ , these initiatives of the left explicitly recognize that what is appropriate in one place , may not be of much use in another .
4 They would argue that what is moral for heterosexuals is moral for homosexuals .
5 Fry drew mocking attention to the fact that what is involved in pop is not simply music , but music as articulated through a performer or , rather , through an image of a performer — and if musical meaning is conventional , not natural , so is our sense of pop personality .
6 In the main the results are consistent with other researchers ( e.g. Hofstede ) and reinforce the conclusion that what is effective in one country may be ineffective in another .
7 This sounds very bland but in practice it is complicated by the fact that what is nice for one person is nasty for another and vice versa .
8 It is clear that what is necessary in such a case is research , not dogmatic and perfectly arbitrary claims , based on analogies to that small part of the experimental literature in which one happens to be interested .
9 It seems sometimes to be supposed that what is commendable about a communicative approach to language teaching is that it does not , as a structural approach does , have to get learners to puzzle their heads with grammar .
10 Instead of saying that in the absence of a community there can be no rules , we say that what is wrong with the solipsist 's rules is that they can not be set up in the way he pretends , by using a private experience as a sample .
11 It insists that what is important in law is not the fact of command but the end at which that command aims and the way it achieves the end .
12 But gender distinctions in the case of human referents are not arbitrary , and that is why Lyons , for instance , suggests that what is important in communication is the pronominal function of gender rather than the category of gender in general ( 1968 ) .
13 ‘ Rubbish ’ is an adult verdict sometimes based on the assumption that what is unrewarding for the adult reader must be unrewarding for the young reader .
14 But again , what is often left out of such accounts of the unconscious , even as it is invoked as the prime destabilizer , is the importance of the perversions in precisely this respect : Freud insisted that what is operative from within the unconscious , producing this very instability , is repressed perversion .
15 The first thing to note about this response is that what is true of ‘ I know ’ is equally true of some of the uses of ‘ I remember ’ .
16 If they are , then we can safely conclude that what is true of this group is also true of others .
17 This means that what is true in one European country may not be even remotely true in another .
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