Example sentences of "that there should [be] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Th er there is a series of amendments in the name of the Noble Lord , Lord of Yeovil , Amendment six , seven , twelve to fourteen , sixteen , nineteen and twenty-one of which the most significant is Amendment twenty-one , these Amendments provide again that there should be flexibility in the size of police authorities and that the composition should be such as to secure a majority of local authority members of not less than three .
2 It was intended that there should be assessment of the mother , but by August 1991 she had missed three assessment appointments .
3 However , as his work was so similar and geographically near by , he suggested to the DOE that there should be contact and openly advertised his presence .
4 The father , for reasons put forward by Miss McCreath connected with his own situation and his wish to as it were be forgiven for his past behaviour , and in the hopes of showing that he can in the future notwithstanding his past behaviour be contemplated as somebody to play a röle in the life of his children , supports the making of an interim care order or does not oppose it because he acknowledges that there should be supervision by the plaintiffs .
5 Lee 's offer followed a statement to Taiwan 's National Assembly on May 15 in which he had suggested that there should be dialogue within a " one-China framework and on a government-to-government basis with the two sides having equal status " .
6 The Permanent Secretary himself , Maurice Holmes , came down closer to Williams than to R. S. Wood ( and nowhere near Cleary ) by ruling that there should be selection and transfer for all at the age of eleven , to schools of various types , with a review at the age of thirteen of all pupils who might have been initially misplaced .
7 Williams argues in this issue that there should be scope for a third verdict ( in addition to ‘ guilty ’ or ‘ not guilty ’ of abusing market power ) , where the market situation , though not the firms ' conduct , is not conducive to competition or economic efficiency , and on this basis is to be declared to be against the public interest .
8 To this end , it is necessary that there should be intercommunication not only about particular design decisions but also about underlying philosophies so that the ultimate system is conceptually as well as operationally coherent .
9 Boullee was the architect of the sublime , and he said that there should be poetry in architecture , and that men should be moved emotionally by it as they would be by a poem .
10 In the majority of cases it is preferable that there should be service of the application upon the other side .
11 At every stage of the interchurch process we were hearing voices saying to us it is not sufficient that there should be fellowship , agreement , companionship , cooperation at the highest levels but it had to be found at every level , it had to be found at grass roots level .
12 The argument for saying that there should be liability in such circumstances is that a constable does not cease to have certain general duties because he happens to be ‘ off duty ’ for the time being .
13 But although in December a national opinion poll in Northern Ireland found that 43 per cent of those interviewed thought that there should be legislation to outlaw discrimination , NICRA seemed incapable of tapping the support of this large , sympathetic minority .
14 Members of Parliament and the British press have , understandably , been preoccupied with the matters about which the Government decided — with some justification , although that is a matter for debate — that there should be hesitation .
15 The Americans wanted the greatest possible acceleration of weapon production on behalf of the Atlantic Alliance in order to keep ahead of the Russians , but they insisted on two principles : first , that production and storage facilities should be located with due regard to strategic considerations , and that meant location in North America with minimum holdings in Europe ; and second , that there should be co-ordination of the American and British programmes to make best use of available expertise and resources , including exchange of scientists .
16 He believed , quite rightly , that there should be evolution and not revolution to achieve Service unification .
17 Some also felt that there should be ceiling on the amount payable or that the rates should be degressive in relation to the price .
18 The second requirement is that the EP system should support annotations , and moreover that there should be provision for several sorts of annotation , e.g. the student 's annotations explaining why he has done what he has , and the marker 's annotations commenting on the student 's work .
19 In an attempt to reduce the delay common in civil litigation , the Civil Justice Review recommended that there should be court management of litigation .
20 While games may be useful , and it may well be that there should be time in school devoted specifically to playing games , games are not of themselves drama .
21 While certainly in my earlier comments , I did say that it is highly desirable that there should be employment in any new settlement , it can not in my view be the case that th York has certain erm Greater York , but York in particular as a city has certain employment requirements as a result of decline in certain industries .
22 way , but we do believe that there should be accommodation in most places , for most , that we should have designated areas
23 My hon. Friend is entirely right : it is the principle that matters , and the ultimate principle is that there should be justice and that justice should be seen to be done .
24 It is rich for the hon. Member for Dagenham to claim that he is worried about the complexity of our proposal ; that from the hon. Gentleman who suggests that there should be property valuations on four different bases and annual rolling revaluations on a banded basis — although he keeps rather quiet about it .
25 For private residential care , we were arguing that there should be regulation of the location , form and size of private care by means of planning permission and monitoring arrangements .
26 The suggestion was made that there should be community discussions with LEDU , that West Belfast people , in the absence of ideas from the IDB , are going to have to come up with their own ideas and develop them in conjunction with the universities , industrialists , and so on .
27 Does he accept that there should be Community competence in that sphere ?
28 Congress , I think it 's only right to draw to your attention that in item five B USDAW that at the last USDAW Conference there was a motion passed saying that there should be recognition for the independent trade union within USDAW which is ourselves , G M B Apex .
29 That there should be trouble on a July afternoon in Birmingham might seem strange until one notes the date : 14 July , 1791 , was the second anniversary of the storming of the Bastille .
30 A third important consideration , therefore , in facilitating learning in the ward is that there should be continuity between theory and practice .
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