Example sentences of "that there [modal v] [be] problem " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are taking a positive approach and our attitude is not that there might be problems . ’
2 But Coun Bob Pendlebury , deputy leader of the county council 's ruling Labour group , said it was recognised that there might be problems , but they would be dealt with as they arose .
3 Well twenty years ago I was on programmes like this , saying that doctors who said that Valium and the other tranquillizers were perfectly safe were talking rubbish and that there was every possibility that there would be problems found in the future , if we kept prescribing these drugs for vast numbers of people .
4 Answering a questionnaire drawn up by Labour MP Alun Michael , Shadow Minister for Home Affairs , Mr White confessed that there would be problems finding alternative sources of local funding .
5 Compared with Mitroff 's earlier paper , there is much more emphasis here on linking stakeholder analysis with research into cognitive schemas , and a greater recognition that there may be problems both in identifying the schemas , often held unconsciously , and in bringing them together to inform the corporate debate about strategy .
6 So your under-funding next year , and your use of the rollovers , will actually have a long term effect on the funding of the Wiltshire police force , and I suggest that there 'll be problems er , ahead on that basis .
7 ‘ It is certainly not going to deter us from going , but we are aware that there could be problems . ’
8 We 've had er callers earlier on suggesting that there could be problems between Russians and Lithuanians if an goes there , which seems almost certain it will now .
9 Er they were banking on the fact that there 'd be problems for other countries because of , you know , public perception etcetera , you know the French had decided almost all of them decided they 'd have a nuclear programme anyway so , so , so they were er o okay .
10 They are also worried that road damage caused by existing lorry movements will be made worse , and that there will be problems of noise and dust .
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