Example sentences of "that there [was/were] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Estimates of total enrolment vary , but it seems unlikely that there were less than 100,000 Sunday school pupils by 1800 .
2 He estimated that there were more than 300 cases .
3 A survey carried out by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys between 1985 and 1988 estimated that there were more than 6 million adults in Britain suffering from one or more disability .
4 Ruby Dobby 's earrings became energetic as she insisted that there were more than five senses to be employed in any search for the truth .
5 I knew for a start that there were more than a million Japanese there .
6 Is the Minister aware that there were more than 17,000 people employed in the Scottish coal industry in 1984 , but by 1989 that figure had fallen to 3,480 and it will be even smaller now ?
7 In January 1990 the international human rights organization , Amnesty International , issued a report which alleged that there were more than 800 political prisoners in South Korea and which claimed that the government had " deliberately disregarded " constitutional guarantees and other reforms introduced in 1987-88 designed to protect detainees from mistreatment or torture .
8 The ANC had claimed that there were more than 3,000 political prisoners and some 40,000 dissidents in exile .
9 The Middle East Economic Digest of April 26 reported that there were more than 1,000,000 Iraqi refugees in Iran , of whom 50,000 were Shias from southern Iraq , and the remainder Kurds .
10 On Feb. 27 , 1991 , Valentin Kuptsov , a secretary of the CPSU central committee , told a news conference that there were more than 500 political parties in the USSR , including 20 with a nationwide membership .
11 Equal ops policy : Kathryn said that there were more and more occasions when management wanted the union to agree to not advertising posts externally .
12 ‘ I 'm not sure , but Edwin told me once that there was less than a dozen pictures altogether .
13 Fraser 's fork took several forms , as I say : or one might prefer to say that there was more than one fork to reckon with .
14 We must again remind ourselves that there was more than one episode of dinosaur extinction when food and dietary factors have had equal relevance , although each succeeding ( and changed ) species seemed to be better fitted to an ecologically evolved environment .
15 This suggests that there was more than one .
16 It was my own experiences with herbal treatments , due to being ill over the past few years , that convinced me that there was more than just a placebo effect at work .
17 There turned out to be plenty of field mice and short-tailed shrews , various larger insects and the odd rat about , so we concluded that there was more than enough food in the vicinity to sustain our pair .
18 We heard this sort of thing before , when Pontypool ruled the roost in the Seventies and Eighties , and the fact that there was more than an element of truth in it , that the complaints of others could be justified , served only to make the accused — Neath , just like Pontypool before them — become more introverted and less receptive .
19 Even The Times for a while in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution suggested that there was more than a grain of truth in the concept of a Jewish world plot .
20 Although she had nothing to lose but her pride , she sensed that there was more than that at stake — much more .
21 ‘ Sometimes interviews can move in a different direction from the one you anticipate , ’ she said shortly , knowing that there was more than a grain of truth in what he 'd said .
22 Is he aware that among women serving life sentences in Bullwood Hall women 's prison for murdering their husbands there are several whose lack of command of English meant that they were not aware that there was anywhere that they could run to , that some women who had tried to run away from extreme brutality were dragged back by their families , and that some were terrified of leaving their children with a brutal partner , and that therefore they had to wait until they could do something about it and were driven to commit murder ?
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