Example sentences of "that if he [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He had also developed such affection for his owner , and had become so possessive of her , that if he saw her stroking another horse , he would roar with rage and throw himself sideways against the nearest fence , cutting and scraping his skin so that it bled .
2 She knew herself well enough to know that if he challenged her account in the latter mode she 'd almost certainly lose her temper with him , and then the atmosphere between them , which had been ( with the exception of his overtures ) so easy and undemanding , would be spoiled .
3 Something seemed to open or to expand in her brain , releasing a cold voice which she had never heard there before , telling her that if he cheated her she might just as well kill him .
4 He knows that if he helps them in time of need , they will reciprocate without being asked .
5 He had a premonition that if he read it , he would find himself committed to an ever-widening circle of excommunications .
6 The dog knows that if he obeys our command , he will be rewarded by pleasure .
7 In spite of this , sitting on his Empire chair beneath the window , head tilted to one side at an angle of acute concentration , he had the curious sensation that if he shifted his gaze from the little group mouthing in front of him his head might fall off .
8 He felt that if he waltzed his dancers round and round as in a ballroom he would not be interpreting Chopin 's idealised romantic waltzes for a solo pianist .
9 His love of life is terribly strong , and he knows that if he kills me , he too will die .
10 She hoped that if he said he had discovered she met Scott Fitzgerald she would be able to treat the suggestion with the seriousness Tim would think it deserved .
11 It was clear to him that if he said he could , his lordship would take him .
12 They now told him , in no uncertain terms , that if he had something important to communicate , he could do it in the plant car park during the lunch break , or after working hours .
13 Anyway , Michael said that if he had one he 'd settle for peeling off the Carlsson stickers and the other red flashes down the sides and leave it at that .
14 Stephen perceived that he had no torch , or that if he had one he was n't bothering to use it , which meant he must know the moor well , as well perhaps as Stephen himself did .
15 ‘ Someone had told him that if he had his way , he 'd like to kill him . ’
16 The thought occurred to me that if he had it would mean our staying on at Claro , and I did n't want to go home anyway .
17 There 's the fact that if he gets it wrong he 's lost more money and therefore his , you might say insurable risk is a higher one .
18 Sadly , my hon. Friend the Member for Ashfield ( Mr. Haynes ) will not be with us after the election , but my experience of him suggests that if he opens his mouth in Ashfield , we shall hear him down here —
19 The line being spoken is always in the same spot , so that if he turns his head from a familiar sentence he can be confident that he will be able to pick up again where he left off .
20 Leith was about to state , quite forcefully , that she was there to work , not to flirt with every male who chanced his arm , when suddenly she realised that if he knew she had worked for Vasey 's for only a short while then there was a fair chance either someone from Personnel , or Mr Catham , had given him a brief run-down on each employee before he met them .
21 When they realised that our combined ages was nudging 150 years , one wag said that if he reached our age he would settle for soloing over a stile !
22 It occurred to the owner of the light plane that if he followed it , his navigational problems would be solved .
23 And thinking that if he pleased her as much as he hoped , she might be persuaded to part with the Fabergé desk set .
24 Then she stepped away from him , fearful of her own weakness and afraid that if he kissed her she would dissolve into a quivering jelly that would melt from sheer ecstasy .
25 In fact he had sent a message via the Chief Whip telling him that if he felt he must abstain he was at liberty to do so .
26 Mum had said that if he made himself invisible people would like him and he wanted that very much .
27 The message read that she had been in the hotel that night ; that she had met David ; that a tape had been taken of the conversation ; that if he thought he could arrest her brother and charge him with murder , he should now try ; that , if he thought he could intern her whilst completely innocent , he should now try ; that several persons had listened to the conversation in the hotel that night and that one was an Ulster MP .
28 Later , however , I did tell him that the meeting had been a disaster and that if he thought it had mollified the press in any way he was greatly mistaken .
29 She knew that if he took her now , against this wall , she would not stop him .
30 I 'd already told him where she kept it … and he was afraid that if he left it there it 'd be traced back to him .
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