Example sentences of "that if [pron] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Traditionally , people tend to equate technology with expense — the idea that if something is electronically controlled or operated using a computer system , then it will inevitably be more costly .
2 towards crime prevention on the other hand it might make some people realise that if they 're no longer a scheme then they do n't get the er the
3 Well I think the attitude is and maybe I 'm totally wrong the attitude is that if they 're outside , they 're not creating mess and havoc in the house .
4 ‘ It should be a warning to them that if they 're really serious about fighting drug abuse , they need to step in and take a leading role .
5 ‘ So that if they 're there they 'll see us . ’
6 As with the conditions imposed under section 12 , there is a danger that if they are too readily imposed , the powers could be used to implement disguised bans .
7 Children learn very quickly that if they are initially refused what they want , asking a second or third time may be successful .
8 The problem with trial trenches is that if they are very small it is easy to miss the main features of a site , yet the larger the trenches used , the nearer the process becomes to full-scale excavation .
9 The leading frog realized that if they were ever going to get to the new flower and survive there , there 'd need to be a lot more than one frog .
10 We tried very hard to underline the importance of these paintings , so that if they were ever to come on the market the government would be conditioned to their importance .
11 And Breeze 's heart sank still lower as she reflected that if they were really penniless , an artistic career with its inevitable ups and downs would be quite out of the question .
12 English court procedure at present gives no rights of intervention to third parties ; and it might be argued that if they were significantly extended , this would increase even further the role of the courts in resolving disputes which ought to be settled by political , not legal , means .
13 Well I ca n't help that if they were there .
14 This silence has a sub-text when accompanied by a slightly smug buttoned-up look , implying subtly that if one were only free to utter , one might have something very interesting to say .
15 Yeah but but the point I 'm trying to make is that it seems to me that if we 're continually spending money on advertising , we 're creating another problem elsewhere .
16 Well , this get 's back to that , that typo-lecture , typo-visuel thing , the difference between reading type and illustration type , that if you 're actually designing pages that people are going to read , then you have to start with the text .
17 ‘ You realize , ’ he said as they ascended , ‘ that if you 're ever tempted to breathe a word of what you see here the Society will eradicate you so quickly and so thoroughly your mother wo n't even know you existed ? ’
18 It literally , it literally means produce the body only you ca n't simply , well the difference between a constitutional system and er an arbitrary government is that in arbitrary governments people get arrested and disappear , locked up , throw away the key and worry about it the next generation or after the next er military coup or whatever but in a constitutional government there have to be procedures and one of the safeguards of individual liberty is that if you 're ever arrested and detained by law enforcement agencies you have to be produced before a court within a specified period and charged with something .
19 ‘ I was only thinking that if you 're always so high-handed in your dealings with people it 's a wonder you have n't had your come-uppance . ’
20 We take the view that if you 're technically overweight but still healthy ( and your doctor agrees ) , then stay the way you are .
21 He does seem to suggest , that if you 're directly interested or if you have a direct interest in something you ca n't take an objective view , and I would say that actually , members have shown their ability to erm , to achieve something different from that , the way they wear different hats at different committees , Mr comes to mind where he will argue for the D S O's , at the D S O managing board , and for the client at Education Committee .
22 Bearing in mind that they 're only six and seven in my class , er , and then talking erm , about how they travelled in cars , and and how many of them had ridden in the front seat , er , and most of them put their hands up , and I mean , the recommendation is that if you 're under twelve years of age , you should never ride in the front seat , and so on and so forth .
23 ‘ Well , ’ said Milton , ‘ I have to admit that if you 're very old , short-term solutions must carry more weight than they would for the middle-aged .
24 There might be funfairs everywhere , but the real Disneyland was neither crumbling , nor swept by bitter winds off the Irish Sea , nor cursed by hotels that are really gimcrack boarding houses , nor served by superannuated London cabs displaying notices saying that if you 're so drunk that you 're sick inside , a cleaning fee of £10 will be payable to the driver .
25 It 's an ideal place to see the action and the race organisers say that if you 're fairly fast of foot , you could always dash from the start and catch the race leaders in Trafalgar Road and Romney Road .
26 The belief that if you are over twenty-five you are too old is commonly held .
27 Do n't forget that if you are going to quote other people at length , you have to check on whether you 're going to be in breach of copyright , you have to be careful how to quote things , and do n't forget that if you are actually quoting you need to give some indication of where the quotation comes from and make and check out that that 's all right , either by getting permission or , or actually giving , there 's a certain degree of flexibility .
28 No it 's four hundred gallons , it 's , it 's , it 's , they do n't like to take any more than that because of the , the weight of water , it 's quite heavy er although they have one special equipment here again one of these roll-on roll-off ones , which is a water tank equipment , and er it carries about a thousand gallons or two thousand gallons of water , er in a tank , water tank and that if you are very short of water will be sent on as well to boost up water supplies in a particular area , so erm that was another one of these pods that we , we designed and , and put on the run .
29 And I think that perhaps we 've all learned a lesson from it , plus the fact that you 've er , had to climb out of an horrendous accident , but the fact that if you are still drinking at half past four in the morning , the last thing you should do at nine o'clock in the morning is get in the car and drive the damn thing .
30 I have no doubt that if you are there , they would attend a meeting with Barbara also present . ’
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