Example sentences of "that it is not [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Dewey here accentuates the idea that experience is relational , that it is not exclusively private and subjective .
2 The reader is also informed that it is not normally possible to obtain high resolution on NMR spectra from solid samples .
3 Epilepsy , despite the known medical facts that it commonly " burns out " after ten years and that it is not normally associated with disorders of personality , nonetheless still causes considerable concern in society .
4 Suppose that the brochure mentions a particular hotel and states that it is not yet completed .
5 ‘ My dear Wilson , ’ he said , ‘ all you need to know is that it is not yet come .
6 He says , I remain concerned that it is not yet possible to agree an implementation plan for recommendations made in his previous report .
7 The point is , a ) that a really determined motorcyclist or moped rider will find a way onto a path no matter what barriers are put up , and b ) that it is not right that the cyclists , disabled walkers etc at whom the facility is aimed , should be disadvantaged for the sake of the minority of potential abusers .
8 The intervening years have not seen any revision , but this is not to say that it is not both necessary and desirable .
9 The example of osteoporosis helps to illustrate that it is not simply older people who suffer from inadequate and discriminating health care , more specifically it is older women .
10 It will be able to demonstrate ( aided by Thames ' formidable selling skills ) that it is not simply a complacent white elephant milking the public purse .
11 To this it might be replied that it is not simply the case that the evaporation/solar-flares analogy is not sufficiently strong an analogy to justify our using the term ‘ afternoon ’ on the Sun ; it is no justification at all .
12 The point , therefore , is to validate Marxism , to show that it is not simply a method of interpretation , nor even that it is the best method of interpretation that can most successfully account for the facts and the course of history , but to prove a priori that history works according to dialectical structures , and to demonstrate ‘ the moments of their inter-relations , the ever vaster and more complex movement which totalises them and , finally , the very direction of the totalization , that is to say , the ‘ meaning of History ’ and its Truth , ( I , 69 ) .
13 These patterns imply that it is not simply a matter either of ability or of socialization which affect subject choice .
14 There is an early retirement pension , a late retirement pension , an ill-health retirement pension and , perhaps more important , an in-built provision for index linking so that it is not simply a straightforward sum each year .
15 The editors ' underlying theme is that retirement needs to be viewed holistically ; that it is not simply an individual transition but that it is linked to a person 's past or context and , equally importantly , to their social networks , especially family relationships .
16 Much so-called ‘ atonal ’ music is only music with a tonal foundation so obscured or disrupted that it is not easily perceived .
17 However , a close examination of this work shows that it is not strictly ab initio , in that extrapolations are made from calculations performed on other molecules .
18 Sometimes the mirroring may comprise only the note-order , or ( conversely ) the rhythmic structure set to different notes , so that it is not strictly speaking a palindrome .
19 It is such an amateurish effort that it is little wonder the Government has tried to ensure that it is not widely available .
20 Will he ensure that it is not unfairly excluded as a result of the foreign dumping of inferior chain ?
21 Another problem with the method of Riemann is that it is not practically possible to generalize it to the case for non-colinear collisions .
22 A related objection is that it is not immediately clear how the retributivist principle relates to any general notion of what is right or wrong .
23 It still represents a cost to the Exchequer and a loss of potential output , but it can be argued that it is not particularly distressing to the people concerned and , for the economy as a whole , it may actually result in a more efficient use of labour : this is because high short-run unemployment may be a reflection of greater mobility of labour between jobs and areas and consequently may result in the labour force being more suitably and productively employed .
24 Yet , it is clear that our criticism must be aware of the supplemental aspect of the Renaissance — that it is not automatically a something open to contained description .
25 The decision about an individual referral on clinical grounds , however — provided that it is not wholly unjustifiable — rests ultimately with the GP .
26 If the GP insists on that referral , the health authority will honour it , provided that it is not wholly unjustifiable on clinical grounds .
27 But as we saw earlier , the fact that a gift expresses a relationship ( as a symbol ) does not necessarily imply that it is not also of great economic importance for the parties concerned .
28 This gives a lighter , cleaner taste which does n't overpower and illustrates the fact that it is not just the obvious oily herring , mackerel and salmon which have the body to withstand a mustard onslaught .
29 In so doing , they claim that it is not just secondary qualities that are confined to the mind , but , with them , the whole vivid force of the world-as-we-perceive-it , - what some philosophers call the manifest image of the world — which is intrinsically bound up with the secondary qualities .
30 It is important here to stress that it is not just hitting to the target that is foremost , but at all times moving the feet to take the ball in one bounce .
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