Example sentences of "that it could [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 To my mind , it begins so well that it could easily be mistaken for a translation of an eighth-century hermit 's verse , composed in a beehive hut by a contented holy man of Old Ireland .
2 It is so small and mobile that it could easily be hidden , and it can carry nuclear or conventional warheads .
3 The fear for it is that it could easily be hurt without complaining and could suffer at the hands of careless children who would treat it too much like its namesake .
4 The vihuela tablatures contained villancicos and romances — with the melody in red figures– as in Luis Milan 's El Maestro ( Valencia , 1535 or 6 ) , so that it could easily be sung as well as played .
5 Since he has shown this sort of network to be discernible in a wide range of different kinds of poetry , and since it is hard to imagine that it could also be found in non-poetic language , there seems to be a strong prima facie case for accepting his argument that the principle of equivalence provides an objective criterion for identifying the poetic function .
6 Ofek 2 was officially described as an experimental scientific satellite , but press reports suggested that it could also be used to gather military intelligence .
7 This theory has recently been investigated scientifically , and the results suggest that it could well be correct .
8 In true Eko fashion the guitars have bound fingerboards , zero frets and aluminium nuts/string-guides , and although it 's difficult to be sure , the fingerboard material is so dense and dark — almost black — that it could well be that rare and prized commodity , Brazilian , or Rio , rosewood .
9 As I said at the top of the article , making movies — in AWI 's parlance — is so similar to making a cartoon using traditional methods that it could well be used as a training ground for animators in the traditional industry , but with a much shorter wait before the results can be seen .
10 I had good reason then to suspect that it could well be .
11 She knew as she waited for Reception to ring her back that it could well be , if Cara had been in touch with her parents , that she stood to come off the phone feeling worse than ever .
12 Inquisitive journalists were told that any contamination was so negligible that it could n't be measured , a clear piece of disinformation .
13 The secret that lay between them , those minutes when he had held her shaking body against the tree trunk and stared into her eyes , compelling obedience , had bound them with a cord so strong that it could n't be frayed , either by the enormity of their shared guilty secret , or by the small rubs of living together .
14 But deep down you also knew that it could n't be so simple .
15 Personal survival entailed preparing for the possibility that it could n't be stopped .
16 In showing off to the raw recruits he might even throw the small plane into such daring bankings or dives that it could n't be manoeuvred out of .
17 At the time , I wrote to Knitmaster ( as was ) , explaining what I wanter to do , but I was told that it could n't be done .
18 It seemed a shame that it could n't be in time for my mother 's birthday on the 8th but at least it was a good target for which to aim .
19 He tried to reach her again , and told the operator to put the howler on the line because the phone was off the hook , but the girl said reprovingly that it could n't be done in the middle of the night in case it woke people up .
20 When Al Pacino made Kate Nelligan squeeze her feet into gold stilettos throughout intercourse in Frankie and Johnny , the audience knew instinctively that it could n't be love .
21 It would have been no use asking him whether he thought there was a unifying purpose in life , whether it could really be chance that an animal so small that it could n't be seen by the naked eye could die millions of years ago in the depths of the sea and be resurrected by science to prove a man innocent or guilty .
22 When we think about it carefully , we see that it could n't be otherwise .
23 He did n't seem to know what it was himself , but she knew that it could n't be love , and if it was n't love then none of the other possibilities mattered .
24 I said knew about it , erm , you must have known about it , erm , that standard edition of the complete psychological works of Freud , that 's its title , and you 're one of the editors , one of the editors , I said , there 's no evidence that you ever intended to include this book in it , even though , you know , I understand that it could n't be published as long as Woodrow Wilson 's family was still alive , but erm , you know , why was n't it published in the standard edition ?
25 I was disappointed that it could n't be me , but at least we have a very good chance with my husband .
26 My life is so strange that it could n't be invented .
27 But Lewis says that it could equally be called ‘ a particular kind of unhappiness or grief ’ .
28 Shildon said mail order lingerie was an area the business section had too long ignored , Rain insisted that knickers were gossip column fodder and Harbury remarked that it could probably be shown there had been offences under the Post Office Act .
29 All this effort turned out to be a total waste of time because , in the event , only a few bars of ‘ Music of the Night ’ wheezed from the instrument , and that so sotto voce that it could scarcely be heard .
30 PEOPLE living near a disused engineering works in Darlington yesterday welcomed the news that it could soon be demolished .
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