Example sentences of "that it [was/were] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Look , I just felt that it was time for a change , that 's all .
2 Although urged by his party to remain , he thought , like a decent democrat , that it was time for someone else to have a go , and he retired at the time of the 1987 General Election .
3 He had no answer — save that British scientists had been reorganised so often in recent years that it was time for stability .
4 For all his enjoyment of the work and the companionship of his team the lad was not sorry when the ground covered , about half an acre , showed that it was time for his midday snack .
5 The Samoan people explain the mythos of Creation as follows : as Na Atibu , the father of the gods , lay dying , he decided the world was ready for mankind and that it was time for mortals to settle the earth .
6 He watched as Edna wheeled the pram back to the house , having announced that it was time for ‘ a certain person 's tea ’ .
7 I could see that it was time for me to make the tea .
8 But his wife had said that it was time for an opportunity to wear something other than thick tweeds .
9 The ringing of a bell from downstairs announced that it was time for supper and Emily realized quite suddenly that she was hungry .
10 The fact that Black Fury had been too controversial and yet too muddled to scoop up the prizes did not mean that it was time for Warner Bros to stop being ‘ sociologically-minded ’ .
11 We had several until I decided that it was time for me to sit on her lap .
12 There was once a king who decided that it was time for his son to marry .
13 Down at the one-time pavilion that was now the Venetz sisters ' lakeside restaurant , Angelica Venetz had decided that it was time for the big old mallard 's appointment in duck heaven .
14 The beeper alarm on Diane 's watch sounded as they were driving back , the signal that it was time for her to go and collect the litterbug Jed from his minder .
15 When Iris announced that it was time for them to return , Jack insisted on walking them back .
16 In making this break with tradition , James , it seems , had come to the conclusion that it was time for the intellectual elite to shut up and listen to the workers for a change for it was they who were at the sharp end of the production system and therefore they who first sensed any changes in patterns of production .
17 I knew when I woke that it was time for me to return .
18 Campaigning under the slogan " deliverance " , the FNM emphasised that it was time for a change , given that its free-market strategy of combating recession , high unemployment and reviving the tourist based economy differed little from the PLP 's .
19 Clinton , who the opinion polls consistently suggested enjoyed a significant lead , continued his relentless attack on the economic record of the Bush-Reagan years and repeated the underlying message of his campaign that it was time for change .
20 If 19 April 1023 saw expressions of anti-Danish feeling , Cnut could have decided that it was time for the situation to be defused by removing the body to Canterbury .
21 Cresci knew , says Menotti wryly , that it was time for a dramatic gesture .
22 He knew , says Menotti a little wryly , that it was time for a dramatic gesture .
23 A few anxious glances at watches showed that it was time for the invited party to take their places .
24 After walking in the relative heat for two hours , we decided that it was time for a break , and this decision was reinforced when we spotted a river which looked perfect for a quick ‘ dip ’ .
25 They all more or less agreed above undercurrents of mutual ill-will that it was time to be hit by the brutish cold again .
26 I remember thinking in ‘ 79 that it was time to really go for something , to finally try something different ; to be radical .
27 Robbie recognised that it was time to back down .
28 At the end of his campaign Ortega announced that it was time to " put away the olive green " ( the colour of the Sandinista Army uniform ) and expressed the hope that the electoral process would " open a new chapter in co-operation between the USA and Nicaragua " .
29 Melissa decided that it was time to be sensible and practical .
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