Example sentences of "that it [vb mod] never [be] " in BNC.

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1 All this Kathleen Lavender told herself , knowing that it would never be voiced aloud , but even the thoughts were some small comfort .
2 He demonstrated a feeling for drama and a determination to tell the tale so that it would never be forgotten .
3 If I asked a question of him then he 'd answer seriously , but if I floated a question and waited to see which of the students would pick it up I could guarantee that it would never be Holly .
4 So they had a meeting and decided they would put a big net over the entrance to the valley so that it would never be able to get in again .
5 And knew that it would never be otherwise .
6 It was argued that it would never be possible to produce these bitmaps in real time , ie to create each character as and when it was needed from a master outline .
7 Five short days ; it was n't long in which to have your life turned upside-down , changed so drastically that it would never be the same again , was it ?
8 I 'm afraid sex ratio theory is complicated , but you 'll have to take it from me that Fisher solved the problem by showing that it would never be an individual self-interest .
9 Concern is growing that the 1985 decree setting aside the Yanomami Park — a large area of Brazilian rainforest inhabited by the Yanomami Indians — faces such massive opposition from Brazil 's powerful politicians , rich landowners and the military that it may never be enacted .
10 But it may cause cancers , but that 's so long in the future that it may never be traced back to Oxford .
11 Few would argue with the proposition that it should never be allowed to return to power .
12 The skill is in some danger of being lost , but I insist that there is so much fun and pleasure in it and the methods are so effective that it should never be allowed to die out .
13 Recent US studies of the IUD warn that it should never be used on women who intend to have children because of the danger of permanent sterility .
14 A typical example — and there are many of these — was when he patiently sat through a high level Air Ministry conference listening to the Mosquito being castigated for its poor night flying qualities ( because of the glare from the exhausts ) , and Boscombe Down recommended that it should never be flown at night , the chairman , as an afterthought , suggested Bennett contribute his views : " I wish someone hid told me about all these faults ' , he replied , " because I have been flying the Masse on OBOE night trials with excellent results " .
15 I am bothered that it will never be as underground as when it first started . ’
16 That was an insult to the people of Liverpool and I hope that it will never be repeated .
17 In the Freudian view of the development of the little girl , the clitoris is the centre of her infantile pleasure , until she realizes that it can never be a penis and must transfer her sexual centre to her vagina .
18 But if anarchists are right to think that it can never be made , this is for contingent reasons and not because of any inconsistency in the notion of a rational justification for authority , nor in the notion of authority over moral agents .
19 Yet we are also agreed that it can never be complete in itself .
20 There was , of course , a diversity of tenures — so much so that it can never be assumed that the customs of any two manors were identical , or even similar , unless perhaps they formed part of the same feudal honour , for example the barony of Lewes in Sussex , which had evolved a set of common customs .
21 It also means that if difference in its sense of non-identity sets up the possibility of history , then difference in its sense of delay means also that it can never be finally concluded , for such deferral will always inhibit closure .
22 The trouble with enforcement , says Manne , is that it can never be perfect , since perfect enforcement would require unacceptable policing levels .
23 To some extent the technology people are to blame for being too optimistic but they realised that if they spelled out the true uncertainty ( even if they knew it ) there would have been no investment at all , In the end the project is abandoned or has become so expensive that it can never be profitable .
24 What makes Austen 's work interesting is that it can never be reduced entirely to simple analytical frameworks .
25 But , of course , others insist that it could never be humane in practice because the essence of the cruelty is not only in causing a painful and prolonged death but , rather , in the harrowing chase of the animal , and moreover , of an animal which has not evolved with the typical biological characteristics of a prey species .
26 We might hold that the meaning of a given sentence is so rich and particular that it could never be captured by another sentence in a different language .
27 Even as the thought came to the forefront of his mind , Alexei knew that it could never be that simple — that he was forced to conform to alien culture and alien reasoning .
28 Robin Leigh-Pemberton , the governor of the Bank of England , in a speech in Hamburg on Jan. 22 , maintained that " the hard ecu would not be victim to the pitfalls of other parallel currency schemes because it would be defined so that it could never be devalued against other ERM currencies in a realignment " .
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