Example sentences of "that it [be] [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Following the announcement in January that it had suspended production of the Cambridge and Linx brands , Wharfedale has announced that it is to discontinue Linx , though it will undertake to maintain warranty and spare parts support .
2 Mr Kinnock 's own union , the 1.1 million-strong Transport and General Workers ' Union , yesterday confirmed that it is to sue Mr Paddy Ashdown and six other Liberal Democrat leaders over a claim in a party newspaper that the T&G had advised members in 29 key marginals to vote Liberal Democrat rather than Labour .
3 MCVITIE 'S , part of the United Biscuits Group , announced today that it is to invest £4m in its Hungarian operation Gyori Keksz to build a crisp factory .
4 Gossip that Next Computer Inc might abandon its hardware business to focus on its NextStep object-oriented operating environment UX No 419 ) has proved all too valid and last week the company confirmed that it is to abandon manufacture of its workstations .
5 Whilst ICL has duly announced that it is to support Santa Cruz Operation 's SCO Unix MPX for multi-processing , Open Desktop environment and the SCO communications suite on its Intel Corp 80486-based personal computers , the OfficePower-on-SCO validation work — see above — was actually carried out on an Apricot Computers Ltd box .
6 Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG indicates that it is to follow Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA in offering Eo Corp 's Eo 440 and Eo 880 personal digital assistants — and presumably it will buy a stake in Eo too .
7 Ford has recently announced that it is to offer airbags as standard equipment on every model in its range in the UK .
8 At the Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA launch last week , see front page , Unix System Labs Inc president Roel Pieper confirmed , as reported ( UX No 370 ) , that it is to adopt Veritas Software Corp 's file management system for its Destiny desktop environment .
9 Two days before Arrese 's Valladolid speech , France announced that it was to grant independence to its protectorate in Morocco .
10 Mancini suggests that it was to prevent Gloucester breaking sanctuary , and there are other indications that the duke was prepared to resort to force if negotiation failed .
11 Mancini suggests that it was to prevent Gloucester breaking sanctuary , and there are other indications that the duke was prepared to resort to force if negotiation failed .
12 The Iranian government accused the Saudi authorities of a " criminal conspiracy " to kill the pilgrims and charged it with " incompetence " in the construction of facilities and management of the holy sanctuaries in Mecca and Medina , announcing on July 13 that it was to file charges of murder against the Saudi government in the International Court of Justice at The Hague .
13 When this order first went out there was great alarm and feeling that it was to tax Christenings , Weddings and Burials .
14 ( The Monopolies and Mergers Commission announced in May 1990 that it was to investigate car pricing in Britain . )
15 France had announced on Dec. 1 that it was to start research on a new generation of high-speed trains capable of 350 kmph , compared with the existing speed of 300 kmph on some routes .
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