Example sentences of "that it [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Amnesty said that it had evidence of children being detained , either on suspicion of illegal political activities , or with their fathers , some of whom were serving heavy sentences for their alleged involvement in the attempted coup of 1981 [ see pp. 31353-54 ; 31563 ] .
2 To the extent that the purchaser is willing to accept this reduction of the absolute nature of warranties , it should be on the basis the vendor acknowledges that in all circumstances it has made full and proper enquiries and investigations ( see clause 13.6 of the standard sale agreement — Appendix III ) ; ( i ) to provide that the vendor shall not be liable if the purchaser completed the sale at the full purchase price despite the fact that it had knowledge of a particular breach of warranty .
3 The plane was loaded down so much that it had difficulty in skimming the tops of those large mountains , but I was not troubled , thinking that the pilot was a well-trained American , until after an hour of this mountain hopping a small Chinese face appeared at the cockpit door and said , ‘ Is you all all-lite ? ’
4 The shareholders of the holding company entered into a shareholders ' agreement which stated that it had precedence over the Articles of Association , and clause 3 of that agreement provided that " no further share capital shall be created or issued in the company … without the written consent of each of the parties hereto " .
5 She did not add that it had blood on it , although she knew that too , having just read the forensic report .
6 In a later phase in the same litigation , the Court of Appeal held that it had jurisdiction in appropriate cases to order the transfer of assets subject to a Mareva injunction from one foreign country to another , enforcement considerations being especially relevant .
7 The only difference was that it said Phd at the end of it
8 As was noted earlier , proponents of specialization claim , among other things , that it permits a greater development of knowledge and/or skills , and that it facilitates liaison with other agencies through increased awareness of how other disciplines work .
9 Although Jonadab did not believe in the old country superstition that an elder bush planted by a house kept away witches , he was a firm believer that it deflected lightning during a storm .
10 A more serious objection to Anderson 's account is that it assumes consistentalignment between left and right in politics , and ‘ progressive ’ and ‘ traditional ’ in intellectual life .
11 Although the desire to become a home-owner may represent a genuine social aspiration for these women and their families , there is no evidence that it guarantees satisfaction with housework : the housewives in the sample who did own their homes were no more satisfied than those whose homes were rented .
12 The decreased healing rate associated with excess dietary intake , assessed after ulcer healing , may inducate that food alleviates ulcer symptoms or that it slows healing by stimulating acid secretion .
13 All the GIST schools were mixed comprehensives , and at first teachers were most unwilling to separate boys and girls at all , on the grounds that it ran counter to their co-educational comprehensive philosophy .
14 The Middle East Economic Digest of Oct. 23 was also sceptical of the Sunday Times report , claiming that it ran counter to the " general view in Damascus that it is the president 's son Basel al-Assad> who is now favoured for the succession " .
15 But it was the unanimous view of the board that it manifested contempt towards the divinity of Christ by presenting him as a living man , not a symbol , and as the object of overt sexual passion .
16 IBM notes that it announced intent in September to make AIX/ESA source code available as a separately orderable option .
17 It is really one of the foundations of any executive power group that it maintains secrecy about its activities and avoids the possibility for its antagonists to subsume that power .
18 Those policyholders without index-linked policies have had to frequently increase their sum insured so that it keeps pace with inflation and continues to cover the full cost of rebuilding their homes .
19 It is typical of the Labour party that it loses sight of the possibility of being able to get better value for money and of being able to improve the extent to which and the way in which we can help people without always asking the taxpayer to fund more .
20 The problem with Darwin 's theory was that it reduced evolution to a chapter of accidents .
21 While Kittay 's theory has the advantage that it allows metaphor to be seen as operating according to the same basic principles regardless of the size of the discursive unit in question , Brooke-Rose 's own examination of the mechanisms of the verb metaphor suggest a view that minimizes dependence on an implicit ‘ proper ’ term outside the text and emphasizes the metaphoric interactions between the terms themselves .
22 But the chief advantage of the linguistic analogy in any narrative theory is that it allows literature in general and narrative in particular to be read as a self-contained system independent of any realist function .
23 The other meaning uses plastered in the type of structure which we have introduced in the present section ; notice that it allows addition of to be ( and that it is parallel in its overall structure to ( 42 ) where there is a non-finite clause complete with subject , verb and object ) : ( 41 ) Clara wants the façade to be plastered ( 42 ) she wants the builders to plaster the façade Let us also take note of a subtle and rather interesting ambiguity , found in : ( 43 ) Oliver imagined her red-haired This may mean that Oliver is allowing himself to speculate on the effect of , let us say , adding a wig to a blonde lady of his acquaintance ( and this may therefore be called the " cosmetic " version ) ; or he may be trying to build a mental picture of someone he has never met ( the " unacquainted " version ) , in which case imagined could be replaced by supposed with very little alteration in the meaning of the whole .
24 If , however , I omit to do something with the result that it suffers injury to health which results in death , we think that a charge of manslaughter should not be an inevitable consequence , even if the omission is deliberate .
25 The fact that it lacked heraldry around it was a sign that he belonged to no particular lord , though the blue sash announced he was attached to the Household of Ralarth .
26 His only comment was that it took work to be a politician : ‘ I 'd get caught out . ’
27 On Jan. 28 Uri Lubrani , Israel 's co-ordinator of government activities in Lebanon , said in an interview with Middle East Television that Israel did not object to the Lebanese government deploying its army in southern Lebanon on condition that it took action against terrorist organizations and did not support them .
28 This huge increase caused concern among many deputies , but Pavlov had justified it by saying that it took account of forthcoming wholesale price rises and would actually represent a fall in real terms .
29 The reason was no doubt that it took time for the Consumer Protection Advisory Committee to report .
30 I suspect that it took place between Felix and Gabriel , the son of his elderly lover , Jonathan Swift .
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