Example sentences of "that have so [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Even President-elect Bill Clinton could not contain his dismay last week after IBM Corp announced that business in Europe was so bad that the company would at best break even in the current quarter — and prescribed only more of the same medicine that has so signally failed to save the situation up to now .
2 There can hardly ever have been a piece of legislation that has so utterly failed to achieve its stated objectives .
3 In part it is nervousness , but mostly is youthful exuberance , an exuberance that has so far made his career and yet paradoxically also threatens it .
4 The only state that has so far escaped severe drought is Western Australia .
5 Thijs Lijbregts , who took over from Rinus Michels after Holland won the European Championship , has the additional pressure of managing one of the fancied teams while his best player , Ruud Gullit , is struggling to recover from a knee injury that has so far necessitated four operations and is threatening his career .
6 It is the first kind of approach that has so far yielded the most insight , but it is worth considering the possibility of the analysis of interaction by synthesis .
7 Is this what we have been waiting for all these years , the answer that has so far eluded us ?
8 They can only conclude that ‘ Either badgers waste energy with the continued digging or very large burrows confer an advantage that has so far eluded us . ’
9 In Eastern Europe the opposition movements which began to grow rapidly in the 1980s were finally successful in bringing about the collapse of the communist regimes , but they have not yet been able to create an acceptable and stable new order ; nationalist movements have proliferated , and a new labour movement has emerged which contests the policy of restoring free-market capitalism that has so far produced only economic disaster .
10 For the last two or three years , Chorus has been involved with Unisys Corp in a technology exchange that has so far failed to produce any significant deliveries .
11 ‘ It is almost inconceivable that having so rightly stressed the tourist potential of Caernarfon that the Trust should then fail to seize the opportunity to capitalise on that potential .
12 This was BBC Television , an off-shoot of the world-renowned and world-respected BBC Radio service that had so admirably lived up to its motto to ‘ educate , inform and entertain' the general public throughout the war .
13 The Picture that had so nearly secured its hold faded from the refracting blankness in the instant it took Harry to realize what it was that Kingdom wanted from him .
14 She saw his mouth , the mouth that had so nearly covered hers , curve into a provocative smile .
15 Robbie nodded , mentally apologising to him for all the scathing epithets that had so nearly tumbled from her lips .
16 As representatives of the sovereign nation whose king was a captive in Talleyrand 's chateau , the patriots claimed to supplant the structure of the ancien régime that had so signally failed in the supreme test of patriotism .
17 With that homely air of perplexed affection that had so long endeared her to Louisa 's heart , she gave voice to a remaining consideration .
18 Folly stared unseeing at the crumpled sheets , as if the bed that had so recently harboured their ecstasy might now prove the anodyne to pain .
19 He felt she was about to laugh aloud and he wanted to join her , his every thought consumed with the miracle that had so suddenly happened to bring Ken back to them .
20 Waiting to go into hospital was devoted largely to the consideration of this strange disease that had so suddenly materialized from nowhere , secreted itself in my hitherto unglamorous , unblemished , unconsidered inside and now threatened me .
21 Bruckner was 39 and in the process of shaking the dust off a provincial career that had so far brought him distinction only as an organist and as a craftsman-composer of the old school .
22 And try as she might she could not detach her eyes from the object on the table that had so totally winded her .
23 That is to say , all seized on an element of structural and formal strength in his work , which they saw as a corrective to the formlessness which had characterized so much French painting since the Impressionists had insisted on the validity of an instantaneous form of vision , that had so often dissolved the solidity of the material world into a haze of atmospheric colour and light .
24 Does he realise that we need to deal urgently with the special car tax and to review the punitive arrangements affecting company cars that have so badly hit the Jaguar car company in my constituency ?
25 He reduces it to this petty party political level and then he makes excuses for all the lowest-performing local authorities , which are Labour-controlled , and resists any idea that we should address the teaching methods that have so badly let down children in Newham , Bradford and all the other areas in the bottom 20 , almost all of which are Labour controlled .
26 A key question is how the management of the market imperfections that have so strongly influenced investment behaviour in the past will be conducted in the future .
27 They also agreed to send observers into potential flashpoints of neighbouring Kosovo and Macedonia to prevent a repeat of the civil war in two regions that have so far escaped violence .
28 Among the publishers that have so far acted as hosts are OUP and Pinter Publishers .
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