Example sentences of "that have [be] use [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Smoking is a very ancient art that has been used for hundreds of years to preserve fish and meat , preferred to salting because it does not destroy the natural flavour of the food to the same extent .
2 Mefenamic acid is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has been used for other gynaecological problems .
3 It is the same spray material that has been used for ages on potatoes and other crops , and can be a great help here also .
4 The Bivvy Dome is E.T . 's latest offering to the specimen lads , a shelter that has been used for a couple of seasons by leading anglers like Ritchie McDonald and Pete Springate and whilst it may not be everyone 's cup of tea , it certainly has its advantages .
5 This acrylic surface is the type that has been used at the US Open ever since it moved from Forest Hills to Flushing Meadows .
6 Translation of the concepts in a search profile will involve consultation of the thesaurus , classification scheme ( or its index ) or list of subject headings that has been used in constructing the index to be searched .
7 In Section 8–2 , we outline the one-sector equilibrium growth model that has been used in most treatments of the dynamic effects of taxation .
8 Competition , as many writers have told us , is a term that has been used in innumerable senses .
9 This enables water that has been used in the final rinse for previous dishes to be boosted on the next batch to clear off detergents .
10 By rail you could alight at the tiny wooden platform that has been used by servicemen for decades .
11 ‘ All the money that has been used against the Copts has been supplied by you .
12 In contrast to the policy adopted at St James 's , Knatchbull Road , it was decided to re-roof All Saints and St Barnabas with natural slates rather than the cheaper synthetic slates that had been used on the earlier project .
13 She recognised the stitching that had been used on the elephant .
14 Ian went off and came back with a box the same size as the ones that had been used for the train .
15 It is possible to break out of the straight-jacket by applying an idea that had been used for many years in thinking about the psychology of classification and aesthetics ( McLlelland & Clark , 1933 ; Berlyne , 1960 ) .
16 The established main roads that had been used for traffic between the medieval towns , and had made their own width with the usage of centuries , were generally left untouched by any parish awards .
17 Plant subjects in the same lunchboxes that had been used for previous experiments were placed on a stand and viewed .
18 It was a male preserve , consecrated to sport , where guns were cleaned after a day 's shooting and guests would be shown valuable old museum pieces that had been used by earlier Arbuthnots .
19 This was land that had been used by the army for infantry training but which , for various reasons , the Ministry had decided to give up .
20 A couple of dozen bales of fabric had been destroyed , partly by the fire and partly by the water that had been used by the fire brigade to put the fire out .
21 Post-mortem tissue was made available to us from talapoin monkeys ( Cercopithecus talapoin ) that had been used in unrelated endocrinological studies .
22 We chose acupuncture points that had been used in most experiments with acupuncture analgesia , as well as in the two previous clinical studies , both of which were of electroacupuncture .
23 To be able to compare results from the simulator with those previously obtained on the road it was decided to have subjects perform precisely the same judgment tasks that had been used in Study 1 , giving ratings of subjective risk and estimates of accident statistics .
24 A part of the history of perceptions of people has been the changes in the labels that have been used over the years .
25 The Act also tries to encourage sentencers to pass fewer custodial sentences by on the one hand extending to adult offenders the kind of statutory criteria that have been used with some success in the past on younger age groups ( see Chapter 9 ) ; and on the other hand by strengthening community penalties in the hope of increasing their appeal to sentencers .
26 The case ‘ will determine whether a seventh of British waterways … ( among the navigable rivers ) … will remain open … access to rivers that have been used for thousands of years could become open to challenge ’ .
27 So let me begin this discussion then of of channels by er pointing out the methods that have been used for studying channels , and for some of you who 've done the er neurophysiology course this will er be revision but nevertheless it will be pertinent to today 's discussion .
28 For most of this century it is those disorders gathered together under the heading of ‘ schizophrenia ’ that have been used as the paradigm for trying to describe and understand psychosis .
29 T : That Grease album has got some break beats on it that have been used on loads and loads of stuff .
30 Milk and honey are just two kitchen cupboard stand-bys that have been used since ancient times in beauty routines , so give these recipes a go .
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