Example sentences of "that be [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There , is the same true in countries that are developing at the moment ?
2 The aim of the book is to generate awareness of office supplies that are damaging to the environment and promote the purchase of more environment-friendly products such as recycled paper , non-tropical hardwood desks etc .
3 Most importantly the heads can contain terms that are binding on the vendor and purchaser .
4 I also understand from meetings , I 'm meeting a group of social workers as I call them , that are dealing with the people with learning difficulties , erm , these are at present taking place in the Castle Hall .
5 Building on the work of the Japan Industrial Studies Programme already carried out at the Policy Studies Institute , the aim is to find out how Japanese managers , especially those in companies that are competing in the British market , see marketing and how they succeed in putting their strategies into effect .
6 Those local authorities that are investing in the necessary shredders and mechanical mixers are finding that the savings of landfill charges go a long way towards paying for the environmental gain .
7 Chair , the point about the schools is that we could put that information in the minutes for the next meeting , schools that are participating in the survey .
8 Avoid specimens that are swimming off the aquarium bottom as this is a sign of distress and usually means an imbalance of water has occurred at some stage of the export/importation process .
9 Using ‘ government ’ instead of ‘ state ’ , carries important trigger connotations of accountability to electors that are missing from the coercive feel of the term ‘ state ’ .
10 By reducing the size of the lexicon the number of words that the author wrote that are missing from the lexicon increases .
11 Obviously there are a number of detailed points and these are just the ones that are coming off the top of this meeting and you will have more when you take them home and , and read them .
12 Now whether that is that they are annoyed that there is n't childcare facilities , or whether they 're annoyed that they have to make dinner for their husbands , or whether they 're annoyed with what 's on television , or at the kind of newspapers that are coming in the door or whatever .
13 They can distinguish between two sounds which are only 18 inches apart at a distance of 60 feet ; they can separate with ease two sounds that are coming from the same direction , but at different distances ; and they can differentiate two sounds that have only a half-tone of difference between them .
14 Would my honourable friend er recognise that just up the River Thames from er the South Thames tech is the Surrey tech which is doing and excellent job with local industry in re-skilling particularly younger people and this partnership with industry , not just dependent on what the government does , but what industry itself does to try and help people get back into jobs with the new challenges that are coming from the difficulties that are presented by higher calibre needed particularly for school leavers and other and will he w would she welcome the Surrey tech 's initiative ?
15 Thin overcrowded new shoots and any that are growing into the centre of plants .
16 The extra time and support that are necessary ( a ) to perform jobs that are pressing at the limits of personal and material resources , and ( b ) to invest in learning how to do them better , or to assemble additional resources , so that the time taken to perform them is reduced , are not available .
17 But these are not organised , structured animal societies — they are abnormal explosions of the locust population and they carry with them the seeds of their own downfall , as do modern human populations that are heading in the same direction .
18 It is a package with measures to promote investment and provide capital allowances similar to those that industry and commerce are begging for — pleas that are falling on the deaf ears of the Chancellor .
19 So , the other things that had erm we 've endeavoured to incorporate is to try and not divide the estate , one of the one of the aims of the master plan has been to seen to integrate bungalows and any new housing together and in a number of respects the demolition of the terraced blocks and the er er , putting back of more conventional two storey housing has allowed us to do this by rather than having a access road running the whole length of the estate and similarly the that are running past the length of the estate away from the houses we 've we 've put the houses where the road is and the road where the house , where the terraced blocks were , erm to form more of a conventional street scape so that people can look out on their cars and that we , you actually got the new houses facing the existing ones .
20 One wonders if , you know , the situation , close to us , Bosnia and the other countries that are suffering in the rest of the world , would occupy their thoughts .
21 He is transforming lives that are suffering from the corruption of the world , just like that widow and her sons .
22 Does she agree that the factions that are fighting in the south have no claim to represent the north , which has the main link with the Somali community in this country , and that all factions in the regions of Somalia must be involved in reaching a settlement that can be expected to last ?
23 Just the same as , see there 's so many out of work the amount of people that are going for the jobs , there 's so many of them they erm they 're all got some sort of experience , even if it 's just doing a a week .
24 And there are also 20 huge panels that are going on the sides of the buses , that kids have also painted .
25 In order to guarantee the Council 's legal responsibilities ; to preserve the public 's access to information ; and to preserve the clear channels of communication and a smooth exchange of information without which it can not do its business , local authorities need to give very close attention to who is responsible for the electronic information bases of the departments that are going through the process of white-collar CCT .
26 Relatively few and compared those that are going in the end going to another year
27 ‘ Secondly , there is no doubt that Rentokil has pioneered , and is pioneering , new services that are contributing towards the environment in which we all live and work .
28 Well , erm perhaps extending that , it 's not just the policeman but it 's the law and the law enforcement agencies that are sitting on the lid of violence here .
29 There is still real concern about the nature of the assessment process , though now it has to do more with its extreme complexity than with the simplistic naïveté of the earlier proposals , and with the fundamental differences of approach that are emerging between the examiners and the curriculum planners .
30 Are you now confident about placing your faith in the adjustments that are happening with the economy ?
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