Example sentences of "that be [adv] [adj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 LEFT Radiotelescopy has allowed us to examine the most remote areas of the Universe and determine the details of celestial object that are so distant that they are invisible to optical telescopes .
2 Medication is not always the right resource in times of distress , but there are certain situations that are so terrible that you will need something to help you through the first few months .
3 He was on his way south from a place called Nunyerry when , he said , monsoon clouds forced him to fly lower and lower into the Turner Ranges , one of those areas of outback Australia that are so inhospitable that even the local animals hibernate below ground .
4 THERE are some disasters that are so ghastly that even the voyeur averts the eyes .
5 There are certain books , in almost any field , that are so rare that the collector is very unlikely to find a copy in good condition and , perforce , will have to make do with second , third , or tenth best .
6 He therefore sees no point in trying to enforce statutory instructions that are so unclear that any reliance on them would be speculative , so vague that they can not aid coordination in any case .
7 Although this example takes the point to an extreme , I have noticed that many people mistakenly use flowers that are so big that there' is barely room for them in the frame , and therefore the finished miniature is not as full of detail , nor as interesting , as a larger picture would be .
8 Stars could not shine were it not for particles — called neutrinos — that are so insubstantial that they have no mass at all and can travel right through a solid object like the Earth as if it simply did not exist .
9 Other writers have created fantasy worlds — Lilliput , Wonderland , Oz , Middle Earth , Gormenghast , Animal Farm — that are so vivid that , for a time , they exist .
10 ‘ It 's like one of those dreams , ’ said Breeze , ‘ that are so vivid that you think you could n't possibly forget the slightest detail ; yet when you try to describe them , they simply disappear .
11 Since the Hillsborough disaster , English clubs have had to adhere to safety regulations that are more stringent that anything else in the world , let alone Europe .
12 This general pattern of growth was subject to regional variation and was punctuated by devastating epidemics — of which bubonic plague was only the most notorious — and by harvest failures that were so catastrophic that people died of starvation .
13 If you have chosen to live in a home that is more expensive that the Department would normally pay and your circumstances change , or the people or the organisation helping to fund your care can no longer help , we will need to reassess your needs .
14 She knows there is nothing that is more attractive that the promise of sexuality waiting to bloom , and so if this is what is responsible for fame , Kylie wants to keep her pre-puberty looks . ’
15 It is a combination that is so good that Redgrave , 30 , is now looking over his shoulder .
16 It has been pointed out that " unreasonableness " has been used in two ways in this area : ( a ) in an " umbrella " sense where it has been used as a synonym for abuse of power covering the various aspects of abuse of power already mentioned ; ( b ) in a substantive sense where it means manifest unreasonableness , a decision or exercise of power that is so unreasonable that no reasonable man would agree with it .
17 Clearly too many diets involve deprivation that is so severe that the dieter breaks away from them .
18 He concluded by stating that he had been ‘ compelled to trench on political questions as well as economic — because I feel we are approaching a situation that is so grave that it compares with the War , when we were compelled to act together in self-defence ’ .
19 On the other hand we are fortunate indeed if we happen to be in a business that is so secure that it is enough for us to make effortless decisions that never require us to do more than flow along with established patterns .
20 Where it is not forced there could be a competitive advantage in making a decision that is so difficult that other people would not be prepared to make it .
21 Something that 's very important that you need consider .
22 The sequence was then interrupted by a flood that was so devastating that a new start had to be made and again kingship had to be ‘ lowered from heaven ’ .
23 A similar attempt to draw attention to an approaching commitment that was so deep that it might even lead to direct US intervention was made by the Deputy Director of the Mutual Defense Assistance Program , John Ohly , in a long and thoughtful paper which he submitted through Rusk to Acheson .
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