Example sentences of "that the [noun prp] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Feeling uneasy , we turned to our Africa on a Shoestring handbook , learning that the Kalahari consists of some of the most arid and remote land in the world .
2 In addition , Franco would appoint the members of a Council of the Realm , to which his successor would eventually be responsible , and would also designate a Council of Regency , which would take his place until a successor was chosen , in the event that the Caudillo died without naming one .
3 It was quite a shock to learn that the Elsie found at the bottom of Loch Craig was not a twenty-six-year-old woman but a woman in her late fifties or early sixties .
4 It wants to give tourism back to the GLC , yet the only contribution that the GLC made to tourism was to destabilise and almost destroy the London tourist board .
5 The reason for the difference seemed to be that the DHSS paid for nursing home treatment in a number of instances : ‘ They took the pension and attendance allowance and the DHSS paid the rest . ’
6 In addition to the £50,000 that the DHSS contributed towards training and information for the changes , it also agreed to supply a copy of relevant HMSO publications to every bureaux .
7 It seemed to me that the Quirkes gloried in the poetry of paganism , but were not true pagans , eager to propitiate feared gods with flame and sacrifice .
8 The result was that the Seayak went for an unscheduled underwater swim round campsite bay .
9 Tory campaign managers complain that the BBC concentrated on the negative aspects of the campaign at the expense of the positive .
10 Later , I reflected that the Tudors came to Ireland not just as rulers , but as missionaries-by-force , in Islamic style , determined to change the people 's religion .
11 He declared that the RPR stood in opposition to the CPSU in the Russian Federation .
12 Since , by virtue of s.1(2) , investment business is the business of engaging in one or more of the activities constituting investment business which are not excluded activities , it is clear that the FSA removes from its grasp those activities which it classifies as ‘ excluded activities ’ .
13 The House of Lords accepted evidence that the NSPCC relied on anonymous informants for much of its work in child protection and held that the public interest in informants coming forward with information outweighed the parents ' interest in being able to sue a malicious busybody .
14 Finally , the proposals would create legal problems , despite statements that the APB makes to the contrary : the courts may interpret any references to uncertainties in an audit report as a form of qualification which requires a statement by an auditor , under s 271(4) of the Companies Act 1985 , about whether the matter is material to assessing the legality of the dividend .
15 He frowned and chewed his lower lip quite naturally and Fenella , hardly daring to breathe , saw that the Robemaker appeared to be listening .
16 It was this example that the AfDB had in mind when , in 1990 , it turned down the Cameroon road project .
17 He argued that the NHS suffered from the following :
18 The first is that the CED worked with the semantic pairs , in the sense that it gave a statistically significant result , but it does not in this investigation .
19 It is well known that the UKCC has to this date been a bastion of conservatism , its appointments being made through the patronage of the secretary of state or the national boards .
20 ‘ It is now clear that the SNP signed on the dotted line for a long-term deal between themselves and the Tories over the Maastricht bill and the Tories are now exacting their pound of flesh .
21 It was a test that the Three-Ninetieth passed with flying colours destroying thirteen enemy aircraft and achieving excellent bombing results .
22 They treated little embarrassments such as their role in the gradual destruction of the ozone layer in the same way that the Vatican dealt with internal corruption : by brushing it under the carpet and pretending it never existed .
23 But how was it that the EC opted for a currency union ?
24 Jacques Delors , the President of the Commission of the European Communities ( EC ) , proposed on March 7 that the EC go beyond establishing a joint foreign and security policy and commit itself to a common European defence policy .
25 He also said that the EC hoped by the summer to complete negotiations on an energy charter involving 50 countries which would serve as a blueprint for co-operation in developing oil and as resources in Eastern and Central Europe .
26 It was largely under the influence of Barnes that the SCS entered into discussions with the Edmonton Society on amalgamation soon after he was re-elected as president of the SCS in January 1919 .
27 If , on the other hand , Henry II wished to maintain that the Vexin belonged of old to Normandy and was therefore his by hereditary right , it was safer not to confuse the issue by marrying Alice to one of his sons .
28 Sinclair Hood ( 1982 ) nevertheless gives us a salutary reminder that the Minoans lived in a world where might was right , where Egyptian rulers boasted of their subjugation of foreigners , of the cities and territories they had sacked and laid waste , and where Hittite kings boasted of holding their lands ‘ with a strong arm ’ , and of capturing the idols of their enemies .
29 They 'll be able to fish for carp in the estate lake ; view the famous hall with its unique flying staircase … so-called because it has no visible means of support or wander throught the wood that the Lonsdales planted in memory of their son .
30 Perhaps Lord Ashley-Cooper was so horrified that he moved to another property , for there is evidence that the Manor reverted to being a tenanted farmhouse and remained thus until it was sold by the Shaftesburys in 1912 to Colonel Canning .
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