Example sentences of "i think [pron] [is] the " in BNC.

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1 Oh I think she 's the trouble maker there myself .
2 Well I think there 's the stretching of it you see , I mean wire w after a certain time it would stretch a bit
3 They see the child as basically a , a little animal , a wild animal , who has to be tamed , and er , disciplined and controlled by er , various means , and er , this is the , I think the view of the child that was more popular in British education , at least traditional education , which erm , for the public schools of Eton , which in this country was based on er , on er brutality , I think there 's the only word you can call it .
4 But erm yes , I , I think there 's the , the , there 's a weakness and a strength there you see .
5 I mean I think there 's the same problem with children in a sense , I mean , you you talking about confronting them with the realities of the world and I suppose I perhaps if we if we did expose ourselves to the erm to the true meaning of what 's going on in the world , we could n't handle it psychologically without stopping it , without doing something about it .
6 Well I think there is the the only report that I 've got is the fact that the financial summary er you 've seen at the same time as I have .
7 I think for a lot of people , yes , it does , and though the pile of bricks obviously comes under Art with a capital A , crafts perhaps has not suffered quite as much , but I think there is the feeling amongst people that if they get a pot which is , shall we say non-function and wo n't pour , then is it art or craft ?
8 ‘ It is leap year and I lost no time in popping the question as I think he is the right man to lead Claro and Grindlewood Park into the twenty-first century . ’
9 I think he is the most beautiful man I 've ever see .
10 I think he is the coolest guy in the world , and the richest .
11 I think he 's the bashful type , ’ she said , by way of explanation .
12 ‘ No , but I think he 's the father of one of my students , ’ Robyn improvised .
13 I know it would be a terrible risk with ninety-nine men out of a hundred , but I think he 's the hundredth .
14 He di , he 's , I think he 's the only person who never moved out of the same place .
15 Even if I hate him I think he 's the most important player Leeds United have had in my time as a Leeds United supporter .
16 And then has a glass , I mean , the number of times he , I mean I think he 's the only one who drinks milk by the glassful !
17 Mm yeah I think he 's the lead singer out of Led Zeppelin
18 I say that because I think it 's the logical way free rock climbing will progress .
19 I think it 's the biggest load of shite , simple as that ’ ( FN 13/9/87 , pp. 5–6 ) , although a senior officer was prepared to explain his antagonism more fully :
20 I think it 's the same man , ’ Bodo said .
21 I think it 's the nicest colour in any European army . ’
22 I think it 's the loss of this sense of the singer ( and listener ) expiring , in the music , that me about Lovesexy , for all its many splendours .
23 I think it 's the best race you 've even run , ’ he replied .
24 I think it 's the things you collect that give a house character . ’
25 I think it 's the most romantic place , ’ she sighed .
26 I think it 's the healthy decision . ’
27 I like the blatancy of it , it 's just a fun pop single and for a sleaze record , I think it 's the best .
28 Dave : I 'd always tended to shy away from them , like , because like I say I think it 's the fear of the unknown , what you 've been told .
29 I think it 's the acoustics of the hall , ’ said a Microsoft spokesperson , as people staggered around with their hands over their ears .
30 When I say I ca n't see people I think it 's the lighting but there is a sort of a I ca n't recognise people by face .
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