Example sentences of "i 'll [vb infin] [Wh adv] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ While you 're getting my lunch , ’ she said , ‘ I 'll think how I 'm going to word my telegram .
2 And I 'll tell you what the problem is about the Trusts , and I 'll explain why they are opting out of the National Health Service .
3 I do n't believe it for one minute , personally , but this is the , this is the theory , and I 'll explain why I do n't believe it , later .
4 Er I 'll explain why it happened an and then perhaps you 'll hopefully find that you can forgive me , and er then I 'll go on and say one or two of the things that I was gon na say this morning but er did n't .
5 So I 'll explain how we want to do a three-page feature on , for the sake of argument , the literary genius of Melvyn Bragg .
6 Another thing is , I 'll tell why we do n't want er , they always having valuations , they are , they come and value it , and then they give us money .
7 I 'll tell how I stopped him .
8 I 'll know when we find it . ’
9 But I think I 'll know when it 's time to quit and move into something new .
10 I 'll know when I get there , wo n't I ?
11 I 'll know when I ca n't sit in the blasted saddle . ’
12 I 'll know when I get his report . ’
13 I 'll know when he does — and where .
14 Is th ooh I 'll know where they are then .
15 So if my pens go missing I 'll know where they are .
16 We were short anyway , always are , and I thought , right Connie , I 'll know where you are this afternoon at any rate .
17 And she were on her about and sailors and what have you and I thought , aye , I 'll know where you 'll end up lady and she has .
18 I mean , you and Edward are n't involved emotionally like we are , and he 's not going to get up your nose in the same way and I 'll know where he is and that he 's all right .
19 And I 'll know where he is and roughly what he 's up to .
20 I 'll ask where he is , ’ said Jamie Shepherd as they walked towards the reception desk .
21 I 'll come whenever you like .
22 In Chapter Seven I 'll consider how you can raise your visibility , whether it 's at work , as an entrepreneur or in your community .
23 I 'll remember how he looked at me just before the Robemaker took him and how he called me ‘ Lady ’ .
24 I really do n't know I 'll see where she 's put it .
25 I 'll see how it goes .
26 I 'll see how it goes anyway , but if you ask him
27 I 'll see how I can help you in the meantime .
28 I 'll see how I feel before deciding but it 's a bit of a predicament , ’ he said .
29 I 'll see how I feel . ’
30 I 'll see how I feel .
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