Example sentences of "i could [not/n't] [verb] i " in BNC.

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1 I could n't stand me 'ome gettin' tore ter pieces , an' they 're so smelly , ’ she moaned .
2 I could n't pretend I was ill .
3 I have n't been able to drink actually , er I could n't get me
4 I could n't steal I could n't steal
5 Well I could n't take I could n't do nowt about it at all so I went to see t head of firm and Aye , he says , it 's bad , he says , we do n't know to do things like that .
6 Afterwards I could n't believe I had managed to say this ; I could n't believe that I 'd had the intelligence , the wit , the inspiration to come up with this perfect reply .
7 ‘ At the time I was convinced it was an allergic reaction to something because I could n't believe I could be suffering from acne at my age ’ .
8 I could n't believe I was sitting in church but that was the start of the road back .
9 I could n't believe I had the virus .
10 At this party , I rushed around like a student on the last day of school , confronting over and over again people 's incredulity and dismay at my impending departure , assuring them that I could n't believe I was leaving , exchanging addresses and agreeing to keep in touch until the end of time .
11 As I looked down I could n't believe I was being asked to attempt it .
12 I could n't believe I had done it ; I had reached the point in a trainee pilot 's training when he feels that he can now really get some flying under his belt and his flying really starts .
13 I could n't believe I 'd done it , and I felt just great .
14 So well Paul come out , I was talking to Steven and he said I come home last night and he said I could n't park me bloody car up cos there were cars everywhere , and they were all theirs .
15 I could n't know I 'd be on a murder case . "
16 But I could n't see me staying away all that time … not from you , and then probably being persuaded to follow their line and make America my home .
17 I could n't see I was so
18 ‘ Is it any wonder that , while I might have been too hard-headed to accept what is happening to me , I could not deny I actually felt my heart give a tug that night ? ’
19 I could not believe I had actually done it .
20 I could not believe I was not the only one and it was such a relief .
21 Slaven said after the game : ‘ I could not believe I was not on the substitutes ’ bench . ’
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